Hello there ladies and gentlemen, this is Bob “Snow Balls” Hope and I wanna tell you I am really looking forward to the Holidays and I know the Metro Readers are also. . | How about those Detroit Lions, aren’t they something? They started off the season so well, and now they aren’t even gonna make the playoffs. They had a sad flight back to Metro Airport after their last loss. I hadn’t seen that many losers on a plane to Detroit since last year’s McCarty Metro trip to Las Vegas. And how about that Jerry McCarty, Gwenda Perez, and Julie Pop serving the homeless at the LA Mission. Gwenda says she hasn’t served that many people for free since the Wayans Brothers skipped out on a bar tab. | 
And did you read that article about Steve McCarty in Crain’s Detroit Business? Wasn’t that wild? I don’t think a McCarty has gotten that much ink since Mike McCarty had that printing accident at The Cadillac Evening News. Here's something wild. I read in last month's Metro that the Christmas names were drawn once again. I don't want to say that it was fixed, but if the Metro editor want to visit Brittney Spears and Kevin Federline and get them fixed as well, America would say Thank You. But seriously ladies and gentlemen. I haven't seen that much rigging since "Miss Inspiration" on the the Detroit to Mackinaw sailboat race. And $20 limit? I haven't seen Kelly spend 20 big ones on anything since the 20 for $20 roast beef sale at Arby's. And if your driving this holiday season, how about those gasoline prices?. $3.29 a gallon, isn’t that something? I haven’t paid that much for gas since Morton’s stopped selling the Burrito Appetizer. But seriously ladies s and gentlemen. I am asked all the time if I am going to go one more time overseas and spend Christmas entertaining the troops. Well, I can't because I'M DEAD!!!! Have a Merry Christmas, Ladies and Gentlemen, and good night!! |