.. .QUIZ: WHAT IS THIS? Answer at the bottom of this page | Kelly can sit in his office and make this happen... An unsuspecting student hits the delete button in the school library.
| . DON'T WASTE THE EXTRA SHEET OF PAPER! Ever have an MS Word document that is just a bit too long? A few lines stuck on that last page? Wish you could "shrink" the document a bit and lose that last page? Well, I suppose you could try a different font size. Or, you know, adjusting it up and down just to find the exact change that will remove the need for the unwanted last page. But, why would you waste the time when you could get Word to do that for you? Interested in finding out how? HERE'S MY TIP... | The Word feature we're looking for is "Shrink to Fit" and it's found in the Print Preview. (File menu, Print Preview choice or use the Print Preview button located on the Standard toolbar). Once in the Print Preview, you're looking for the Shrink to Fit button. Click it. Instantly, Word shrinks your document's font size to reduce the number of pages by one. |
There you have it. Word's version of the phrase "Shrink to Fit!" VERY IMPORTANT COMPUTER MAINTENANCE! We here at the McCarty Metro would like to offer you a FREE MOUSE CALIBRATION that really works. Many places charge 50-100 dollars for this service, but I am offering it to my Metro readers for free. Is your mouse calibrated? You should do this every few weeks. More often if you spend a lot of time on computer. I was shocked to see that this works! To re-calibrate your mouse, click and hold on the blue capital A below. Then drag the A toward the red lower case a. If it doesn't work, you might want to clean your mouse. APRIL FOOLS! FROM THE McCARTY METRO! ha ha ha . | | | Hey Computer Guy, I keep getting an error message popping up on my laptop that states "could not find the file flash.ocx". It started appearing after I did some updates. Any idea how to get rid of it? Thanks, Kelly F. Speech-Language Pathologist | |
. Hi Kelly, I have found many of the times that the flash.ocx error usually happens when you update the flash player, but an old screensaver doesn't understand the update. Does the message usually appear when your screensaver would normally pop on (like 10 minutes of being idle, or whatever time your computer is set to), or does it come on right when you start windows? If it is the screensaver problem, try using a Windows XP default screensaver and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, it was probably just a screensaver issue and can be rectified by using a different one. |
QUIZ ANSWER... Its a hard disk in 1956. The Volume and Size of 5MB memory storage in 1956. In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). The HDD weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data. Makes you appreciate your 4 GB USB drive, doesn't it? | | |