



September Metro Word Search
Click On New Game - Then find all 10 names that have special days in September?

History Of Labor Day
First celebrated in New York in 1882, Labor Day began as a parade to honor the working class. From the beginning, the celebration proved a favorite. Over the next day, similar Labor Day celebrations began cropping up across the United States. In fact, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts even passed laws declaring Labor Day a state holiday. In 1894, the U.S. Congress followed suit.
Just 12 years after New York held the first Labor Day parade, Congress declared the first Monday of each September a national holiday in honor of the working class. Canada also celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

In an effort to expand the knowledge of our younger readers, we at the Metro strive to educate and entertain

Vincent Van Gogh's Family Tree

His dizzy aunt - Verti Gogh 
The brother who ate prunes - Gotta Gogh 
The brother who worked at a convenience store - Stop N. Gogh 
The grandfather from Yugoslavia - Hugh Gogh 
The cousin from Illinois - Chica Gogh 
His magician uncle - Where Diddy Gogh 
His Mexican cousin - Amie Gogh 
The Mexican cousin's American half-brother - Grin Gogh 
The nephew who drove a stage coach - Wells Far Gogh 
The constipated uncle - Cant Gogh 
The ballroom dancing aunt - Tan Gogh 
The bird lover uncle - Flamin Gogh 
His nephew psychoanalyst - E Gogh 
The fruit loving cousin - Man Gogh 
An aunt who taught positive thinking - Way To Gogh 
The little bouncy nephew - Poe Gogh 
A sister who loved disco - Go Gogh 
A niece who traveled the country in a van - Winnie Bay Gogh 
A nephew who loved exotic food - Escar Gogh 

....And there ya Gogh!


If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating if you're lucky! It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.

Margaret's Craft Corner

PPT's (Personal Pencil Toppers)

Here is a great craft project for you kids going back to school. Don't you just hate when you have to say... "Hey, that’s my pencil!" You won’t have to worry about that anymore with these fun personalized pencil toppers. When your pencil wears down, simply remove the topper and put it on top of a new one.

Here's What You
Will Need...

  • pencil eraser heads 
  • string
  • alphabet beads
  • white craft glue


  • Place eraser head on a pencil.

  • Put a little white glue around the base of the eraser head.

  • Wrap string around the eraser head, smoothing out the glue as you go. Wrap enough to cover most of the bottom half of the eraser head.

  • Cut a piece of string that is about 8 inches long.

  • Tie a knot in one end and string beads on from the other end. The knot should keep the beads from falling off the other end.

  • Once all the beads are on, tie a knot after the last bead.

  • Apply some more glue to the string wrapped around the eraser head.

  • If necessary, trim the long end of the string that the beads are on so that your excess is about 3 – 4 inches in length.

  • Wrap the excess string from the beads around the eraser head, adding more glue if needed and smoothing with your finger as you go.

Helpful Hints:

  • Manipulating string and beads in this craft can be difficult for smaller children. To make it easier for little kids, use a chenille stem instead of string, though you will need beads with a larger threading hole.

  • Keep extra eraser heads on hand to make more later. A package of 30 or so can be found for less than a dollar.

  • Add beads with the letters that correspond to your child’s interest. For example, use baseball beads if your child likes baseball. Other kids will like shiny colorful beads or flower charms. 


Getting To Know You

Here's an ice breaking idea for that first day of school, or for that matter, any time for nonreaders. Fill in the name or add a picture of each child to the form to the right. Then give each child a copy. Have him or her ask each one of his or her classmates the following questions and then put a checkmark or sticker in the correct square. This could also be extended into a graphing activity for the whole class. And, of course, feel free to change the questions or pictures. Enjoy! 

1. Do you have a dog at home?

2. Do you have a cat at home?

3. Which do you like better - your birthday or Halloween?

4. Do you have a computer at home?

Metro Game o' The Month

Get all the blue balls on the blue side and all the red balls on the red side. No that easy, is it?




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