.  I am looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. You're all invited to our house for a big old fashioned southern celebration. A successful holiday is all in the preparation. I will drape the ping-pong table with our best bed sheet. We'll serve up a mess of vittles, including my favorite... mouthwatering squirrel and dumplings. Of course we'll have plenty of 2-ply Chinet plates and Cool Whip containers for eatin' and servin' from. Guests that have a dish to pass can set it on the buffet table (the ironing board). The girls are all preparing something this year. Sara and her new fiancee are bringin the beef jerky and Moon Pies. Amanda is in charge of ketchup (that's right... real tomato ketchup), and Lauren is making her famous Elvis Jell-O mold. Once again, y'all come on down... hear? Just remember to turn off the paved road after you see the chicken coops on Old Rte. 33. | 

WHAT'S GOING ON IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD THIS MONTH?  | With winter drawing near, I have once again converted my automobile into a snow plow. I've done it since my days on North York. The neighbors love it when I can come over and plow their driveways. (I have to go out quickly though as the snow will usually melt by itself in a matter of minutes) |
 | My neighbor "Boots" celebrated his 33rd birthday in October. Jolean (his wife) made Boots the county's best "Blue Ribbon" birthday cake. |  |
I went to Wal-Mart to look for a car alarm for Carla's sweet new ride. I couldn't believe the price. Woooo Weeee! Those were just a little too rich for my blood. Needless to say, I picked up a few strays on the way home. Now I can boast to the rest of the neighbors that we possess the best and loudest car alarm for the money in the entire neighborhood! |  |
 | A good buddy of mine, Cletus Hornswalla, has his own boat. He let me take it out for one last ride before he stored it in his root cellar for the winter. |

 . | I would like to introduce you to one of my lovely daughters. Amanda, has her own view on good ol' southern livin AMANDA'S SOUTHERN VIEW I have found myself becoming more southern. It has it's goods and bads. haha. Good: my friends think it's cute. Bad: I'm completely southern. Oh well, I guess its a good thing. I mean where else can you call someone a stupid head, and not offend them because of the simple phrase "Bless their heart.." I've caught myself doing this. In fact the other day I said "Well now, honey...." So in honor of becoming more southern, here are some good southern expressions, (most from me and my friends haha): . |
