|  Hand Bell Concert |  Rock Concert |  Bluegrass Concert |
Is it acceptable to dance? | No | Yeah, dude, mosh pit or wherever, man | Shucks, if you kin find room, bust yer britches |
Do performers leave the stage during concert. | Only at intermission. | Yes, to body surf. | Yes, when Mike falls off stage. |
Is there a conductor? | Yes | No | Not unless you’re on a train |
Does the band give out freebies? | There was a drawing for potted plants at the show I saw | Band sometimes throws guitar picks | Free advice to other pickers.. you must pay for 50/50 raffles |
Jokes | What do you call it when a hand bell choir stages a mutiny? A rebellion. | What do you say to a hard rock guitar player in a 3-piece suit? "Will the defendant please rise ..." | How can you tell if the stage is level? If the banjo player drools out of both sides of his mouth. |