.. .DECEMBER TIP December's tips are directed at students. These 7 tips from Microsoft can help protect the computers you use for school from viruses, hackers, spyware, and other attacks. Perform basic computer safety maintenance. Before you surf the Web, you should perform three key maintenance steps to help improve the computer's security. • Use an Internet firewall. • Update your computer. • Use up-to-date antivirus software. • Use up-to-date antispyware software. Don't open files from strangers. E-mail and instant messaging (IM) can spread viruses and worms if you aren't careful. (Most e-mail viruses are spread by people who are tricked into opening an infected file.) You should never open a file attached to an e-mail or an instant message unless you recognize the sender and you are expecting the file. Help fight spam and online scams. You can use technology to help keep junk e-mail from deluging your screen. To see how, read Help keep spam out of your inbox. Phishing is another threat to your privacy that could lead to the theft of your credit card numbers, passwords, account information, or other personal data.
Learn how to protect yourself from spyware. If your Web browser has been taken over by pop-up ads, or there are toolbars on your computer that you didn't download intentionally, your computer might be running spyware. Spyware is software that collects personal information from you without first letting you know what it's doing, and without asking for your permission. You might get spyware if you download music or file-sharing programs, free games from sites you don't trust, or other software programs from a suspicious Web site.
Take precautions when you go wireless! Many high school and college campuses have wireless networks, so you can surf the Web in the library, cafeteria, or a classroom. These networks are convenient, but they do come with a security risk. If you set up your own wireless network at home or in your dorm room, read more about, and pay special attention to information on wireless network security.
| LIFE AT FRASER  Yes Kelly... I do have my mouse in the upper right corner like you said. But I click and still get nothing!!!

| . Password protect your computer—and lock it! Passwords are the first line of defense in protecting your computer from criminals, pranksters, or a careless roommate. If you don't use a password to log on to your computer, anyone can access your computer and unlock it. (To "lock" your Windows computer, hold down "Windows logo key + L." Follow the instructions on the screen to unlock your computer when you're ready to use it again.) Back up your work! The image of students losing their term papers because they forgot to back up their work has almost become a cliché. Still, many of us don't have the time to back up. If you use Windows XP, you can let the Backup Utility do the work for you.

Your Questions | Gotta Question For The Puter Guy? | , | , | Dear Komputer Guy, Why can't my Internet company keep my address for more than 2 years. I have been Earthlink, ATT, Comcast, Road Runner. What's next??? -No Email In CA . For everyone, it is important to make sure you get the most bang for your buck with your I-net provider. In California, ATT Yahoo DSL, Comcast, and Road Runner are the most frequently ordered high speed Internet services. Here is a list of providers in CA. In answer to your question though, like fashion, internet providers are cyclical. I believe it will be Earthlink again. 

Life Before the Computer An application was for employment A program was a TV show A cursor used profanity and a keyboard was a piano! Memory was something that you lost with age A CD was a bank account And if you had a 3.5" floppy you hoped nobody found out! Compress was something you did to garbage Not something you did to a file And if you unzipped anything in public, you'd be in jail for a while! Cut - you did with a pocket knife Paste you did with glue A web was a spider's home and a virus was the flu! Log on was adding wood to a fire Hard drive was a long trip on the road Mouse pads were where mice lived and backups happened to your toilet! I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper And the memory in my head | 
| I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash, but when it happens they wish they were dead! |

METRO WEBSITE o' THE MONTH: NORAD Tracks Santa Claus Every Christmas Eve, the good folks at the North American Aerospace Defense Command track Santa on their radar systems. At their Web site, you can find out the technical details of how they accomplish this feat (it involves the infrared signal given off by Rudolph's nose). Is Santa near your house? You won't be able to find out until Christmas Eve when the tracking goes live, but until then you can watch video of the 2005 tests. Don't forget to come back Christmas Eve; you might catch Santa on a fighter jet's Santa Cam! http://www.noradsanta.org/index.php | N.O.R.A.D. 2006  |
