Letters to the Bluegrass Editor Dear Editor, . I’m more puzzled than a mule in quicksand at July’s Metro. Right at the top of the Bluegrass page, there ‘twas some folks holdin’ their ears? How come? Shucks, dontcha know these new-fangledy stores sell somethin’ called ear plugs? . Hornswaggledy yours, Fetus Hagan ED NOTE: The key word Fetus is SUPERIMPOSED. Can you say that with me? SUPERIMPOSED! The picture you were referring to was superimposed. The original picture of the 3 people was at Mom's house, when out of the blue, Mike McCarty called and did a concert over the phone (I accidentally hit speaker phone). I superimposed on that Brad lighting up a doobie (yes, he has a problem). I finally I superimposed that next to a lit M-80. What I don't go through for my readers.  