The wedding of Scott Marion and Erin McCarty took place on August 27, 2005. Erin walks into church with daddy... |  ...and out with hubby |  Erin & Scott's first dance |
 The newlyweds thank their guests
|  A daddy/daughter dance
| . | . |  Kevin wants a dance too.
|  Who are those 4 thugs behind Mom?
On just a perfect day for golf, the 10th annual Dan McCarty Golf Classic will go into the books as the biggest fund-raiser to date. In all, over $12,000.00 was donated to the Lupus Alliance. The McCartys would like to personally thank all who golfed in, worked at, or donated to the outing. Truman Wendt & Team won the event at -12 .
|  Mike McCarty whiffs on a putt .
Brad Savage & The Cockroaches made a rare concert appearance on August 5. The six-member band celebrated their 25th Anniversary by performing an outdoor, one-night only, Reunion Concert . It had been 8 years since the boys played together. You can see all the concert photos on the Cockroach Page in this website. Hope sprang eternal that the band mates could put aside all their differences and extend the 1-night show into a mini tour, but alas, that hope evaporated as the guys shook hands and parted ways. After the concert, singer Eric Swan hopped a plane back to LA. Lead Guitarist Todd Rammler sought medical attention for his lacerated hand he got while trying to replicate the windmill strum ala Pete Townshend. Drummer Lance Devoux was set to catch on with a new band after his old band RashX disbanded. Brad Savage took a nap, and Bob Dantzer and Carl Rollin (pictured below) went back to their current band "Men With Bad Hats" .
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In celebration of the Cockroach Reunion, Eric Swan had a reunion with Kelli Maroney, the Original Cockroachette from the famous "Cockroach Party" Album Cover (OK, 45 RPM jacket). But anyway, they discussed old times and Eric paid her the royalty for the world famous photograph. At the time, the 10 cents per record sold, seemed small. But, Eric lived up to his word and gave her the 90 cents she was due. .
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This photo is a very rare one, taken by NASA with the Hubble Telescope. This kind of event occurs once in 3000 years. It is called "The Eye of God".

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Travels With Jer & Kathlene From time to time, Metro correspondents Jer & Kathlene McCarty will share with our readers some of their travels. Here are last month's postings.  Jer & Kathlene visit the the Golden Gate Bridge. Looking across the bay to Alcatraz, Jer relives the memory that he, and not Nicholas Cage, should have been cast as Dr. Stanley Goodspeed in "The Rock" |  Damn those car racers get all the chicks!!! | . | . |
 Kids always have the fantasy of digging a tunnel in the sand all the way to China. Well, one Asian boy in Japan had the same dream, and lo and behold, popped up a couple of days later through the sand at Malibu. |  Although he had a tough time catching up with Shooter McGavin, Mr. Larsen has no problem catching Jer on his 2 bum knees. |
ACTUAL NEWS!!! We at the McCarty Metro, from time-to-time, like to bring you current news from other publications that might be of interest to our Metro readers. Do you have an article you would like to share? Scan it and attach it in an e-mail, or just send me the url. . 
| TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Imagine this... You just came to Texas Tech University as a freshman... You get the opportunity to make it big time as the football teams "BELL RINGER" during their games... Your whole family, all of your friends, and about 10-15 million ESPN viewers will see you on a Saturday telecast ringing the team's bell.... But to your whole family, all of your friends, and about 10-15 million ESPN viewers you DO NOT appear to be ringing the teams bell... Download Video Man Sues Coffee Shop for Ice Mocha Mishap After spilling an iced coffee beverage onto his lap while driving from a local coffee shop drive-through a Michigan man is now suing the shop for $800,000 in damages and mental anguish. The man claimed it was a "traumatic experience" that has negatively altered his life in many ways. He claims that he was unaware of the frigid temperature of his Ice Mocha or he would have taken better precautions with handling the beverage. The coffee shop owner said during our interview, "Anyone who doesn't know the temperature of a drink that has the word 'ice' in its name has much more important things to worry about than a moment of discomfort due to his own negligence. He sustained no physical harm, there were no damages to his vehicle or possessions except a brown stain on his pants, which I am sure is something he is used to." |
Wedding Announcements    