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Brad Savage & The Cockroaches 25 Year Reunion (A Pictorial)

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Rehearsal Night

Eric Swan works his vocals in a pre-party rehearsal

Bob Dantzer / Carl Rollin / Brad Savage

Carl with Lance DeVous in the back

Brad & Lead Guitarist Todd Rammler

Cockroach Party Time

Timmy Don't Be A Hero opened the night

The Cockroaches take the stage at 9:15pm

Carl Rolling tickles the ivories

Eric Swan does his Tequilla dance

Brad Savage & Todd Rammler on guitars

Eric Swan addresses a young fan

"What's the next line?"


Eric Swan Keeps on Running

Shayne & Katelyn served as Cockroachettes

Who would walk 500 miles?

Bob Dantzer on bass guitar doing Bad Reputation

Who had the backstage pass?

Current & former roaches come on stage to belt out Good Lovin'

All Cockroaches pose for a picture

Brad meets an adoring fan

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