Sponge Bob Queer Pants? 
Recently several articles were published regarding the sexuality of Sponge Bob Square Pants. Regardless of your feelings about the show, this is surely not the first homosexual on television. Here are 10 homosexuals that I remember watching on television when I grew up.  
1. “Joe” from The Three Stooges – “Cut it owwwwt!!” 2. Skipper and Gilligan from Gilligan’s Island – Two sailors who sleep in the same bedroom and call each other little buddy” 3. Floyd the Barber on The Andy Griffith Show – A single hairstylist who says “Ooh…oohh Andy” 4. Peppermint Patty and Marci from Peanuts – Peppermint Patty talks with a deep voice, plays softball, and has Marci call her “Sir”. 5. Buddy Sorrell from The Dick Van Dyke Show – Have you ever met a woman named Pickles?” 6. Uncle Charley on My Three Sons – He cleans, cooks, and used to be in the Navy. 7. Mr. French on Family Affair – Gentlemen’s Gentlemen was a code word and that beard was a little too neatly groomed. 8. Spanky on the Little Rascals – He wore a funny little hat and was always wanting to put on “Dancin’ Shows” 9. Radar O’Reilly on M.A.S.H. - My Gay-dar says that any man who hangs around a transvestite (Klingor) and is that organized, must be gay. 10. Batman on Batman – Holy Homophobe! A man named Bruce who has a teenage boy living with him and they both put on leotards and a cape and slide down a pole into the basement.