Did you know? (or maybe you did you not want to know) 1. June bugs are brown beetles that begin to fly in the northern U.S. on June 1 or thereabouts. . 2. The month gets its name from Juno (the Roman goddess, not the Internet diety). . 3. Famous Junes: Cleaver, Jones (former Lions assistant coach), Jozwiak/Ventimiglia (famous in the 9300 block of Sussex) . 4. June has three birthstones: pearl, moonstone, Alexandrite. (Sign of longevity and health) . 5. The flower for June is the rose. (Think love.) Lesser-known flower: Honeysuckle. . 6. Flag Day (the 14th) and Father’s Day (19th) are the more well-known celebrations of the month. But did you know about these other celebrations? .