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President's Day Quiz
All These Questions Have A Presidential Theme

1. What President kept a jar of jelly beans on his desk?
2. Who was the first President to receive a patent?
3. Kennedy, and what other man are the only 2 Presidents buried in Arlington National Cemetery?
4. Who was the only man prior to becoming President to be the head of a labor union?
5. Which President had both of his paternal grandparents, born in Ireland?
6. Who was the original first lady to appear in a sit-com?
7. Who was the President who commanded a submarine?
8. How many Presidents have appeared on US paper currency?
9. How many times has a man won the presidency but lost the popular vote?
10. How many Presidents were assassinated in office?

Your Name:

January Music Quiz Results
Famous People In Songs ... Hint: All songs have been in the Billboard Top 10, and in the case of multiple names, all names are in the same line of the song.

No one was able to correctly answer all 20. Congratulations though go to Kathlene McCarty and Raiff for getting 18 of the 20.

NamesSong TitleArtist
1. Jack the Ripper & Doris DayLife is a Rock (But the radio rolled me)Reunion
2. Jean & JoanEvil WaysSantana
3. Jimmy Dean & James DeanRock OnDavid Essex
4. Johnnie RayCome On Eileen
We Didn't Start The Fire
Dexy's Midnight Riders
Billy Joel
5. Al Green & Al GreenGoody Two ShoesAdam Ant
6. Liberace & PagliacciMr. SandmanChordettes
7. Al CaponeThe Night Chicago DiedPaper Lace
8. Mother MaryLet It BeBeatles
9. Joe DiMaggioMrs. RobinsonSimon & Garfunkel
10. Mary Lou, Peggy Sue & Betty LouBarbara AnnBeach Boys

The McCarty Metro
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Detroit, MI 48228

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