DATELINE OAKLAND TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN The wait is on... The newest addition to the McCarty clan will make her appearance just days away now. The McCarty Metro has learned that Kristen, Steve and Megan are leaning toward one of the names submitted last month by Metro readers. We will break in during the month to update all of our subscribers when the blessed event happens. We will also have a Metro photographer there so our subscribers will get the first glimpse of baby girl McCarty. Not a subscriber, click here for a free subscription with update notification. | . | . | . | DATELINE VALENCIA, CALIFORNIA Question: How long does it take Northwest Flight 338 to fly direct from Detroit Metro to LAX?Answer: It’s a trick question, sometimes 4.5 hours, sometimes 21 hours. I thought I’d fly into Detroit for a quick visit on January 21st , but it took me 21 hours to get home-- longer than my visit to Mom’s house! It was great to see Mom, Kelly, Margaret, Chris, Brad, Austin, Steve, Kristin, Megan, (and Blanket), but I knew I was in for trouble when I left Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. in a blizzard. After a 3 hour drive to the airport, the rental car’s front tires blew as I drove over the spikes that were frozen in the “up” position at the entrance. I ran to the gate to board Flight 338 only to sit 2 hours on the plane. We then got off the plane, waited two hours, and then got back on the plane and waited 3 more. Then, they cancelled the flight so I stood in customer service for an hour, got put on another flight which was cancelled because of mechanical problems. Finally, we left again at midnight on NW 331 and I arrived home at 1:30 a.m. (PST) ate some cheese, watched a TiVoed episode of Cheaters and went to bed. | .... | 
. | . | . | DATELINE ROMEO, MICHIGAN In a press conference held recently, Steve McCarty announced that the 10th Annual Dan McCarty Golf Classic has been awarded to Greystone Golf and Country Club. Greystone beat out several other golf courses in their quest to hold the prestigious event for the seventh time. The DMGC raised over $10,000 last year for the Lupus Alliance of America in an event held at Twin Lakes Golf Club, and hopes to do better this year. Over the past 9 years, the event has raised thousands of dollars for worthy charities in Dan's name, including the Kidney Foundation, Multiple Sclerosis Society, American Heart Association and the Lupus Alliance. This year's outing will be held on August 6, 2005. Mark your calendars now, and more details will be forthcoming a future McCarty Metro.. |
. | | . | DATELINE SUPERBOWL 39 With Super Bowl XXXIX just around the corner, we captured some the best moments at Kelly's Super Bowl parties. We are never sure of the final score, or even who won, but just about everyone had a good time. Here's some pictures from some of Kelly's past Super Bowl showing that the lethal combination of beer, whiskey, male testosterone, pretzels, and Hormel Chili can make a plain party into a PAR-TAY. ..DATELINE GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Mike McCarty began cubicle races at the Grand Rapids Press to promote company fitness. You can see Mike highlighted with the arrow get off to a good start, but has a few problems. Click here to view the video.. AND FINALLY, JUST AROUND THE CORNER... ELECTIONS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Reporter Dennis McCarty send this picture of U.S. Army soldiers setting up a banner of instructions in case of an attack in the heavily guarded Green Zone in Baghdad.
| SPRING JUST AROUND THE CORNER Reporter Steve McCarty submits this photo inspiring all to be patient and that spring is just around the corner, and the girls in this community are starting to show their bellybuttons