GREAT METRO Bro!! I just about peed my pants reading the bell ring-off. -Kristen ED NOTE: Thanks for the segway. The McCarty Metro's 2 new sponsors for 2006 are "Urine Be Gone", and "Oops, I Crapped My Pants". Ed! On a recent trip to MI, I partook of some gigantic shrimp... did you all have some type of toxic spill that those things were so large? -Stuffed after 2 ED NOTE: Must be kinda like going to TN and marveling just how big that possum was that you enjoyed for dinner. Actually, Jim was just compensating. You know what they say... big shrimp, bigger shrimp fork!
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. Does the Metro give out Gift Subscriptions and is that a valid present in the Christmas name drawing? -Dennis P. ED NOTE: Yes it does on both accounts. And for all you ladies out there, just like the 'Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue', with each subscription, you are guaranteed your 'McCarty Metro Swimming Trunks Issue'. Dear Editor. I know the McCarty Metro made a sizeable donation to the Red Cross in the wake of the Katrina disaster. As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster, keep these facts in mind: Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross... salary for year ending 06/30/03 was $651,957 plus expenses. Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. No further comment necessary. ED NOTE: Interesting!
Dear Editor, I just finished ready Jerry's World and noticed he mentioned that he was going to pee in the alley. Doesn't he know the ramifications of that action? Everyone knows you can get a sty from peeing in the alley! True or False? -Wiping my eye after writing my name in the snow ED NOTE: That is an old wives tale (or so I was told by an old wife). It is true however, that you can get kicked out of a bowling alley for peeing on the floor and leaving the bathroom looking like a sty.
I have been given the task of getting links for our websites that have good page rank on the links directories. The McCarty Metro is very popular here, even though I don't know who you are. If you would like to trade links please send me your website linking details. Best Regards, -Mariana Snider ED NOTE: Thanks Mariana. Our newest feature on the Metro is a guest book. The link is at the bottom of every page. I encourage all regular and one-time readers to stop by and leave a comment.
I was checking out the picture of the big birthday bash ... and I must say Cokette or Babs is looking mighty fine ... but what gives with DJ and Larry ... are they twins or something ... or did Yankee's Department Store have a special on shirts ... buy one ... make your younger brother wear one? ED NOTE: They look like they came from a Star Trek convention. Unbeknownst to little Cokie, the red package has a dog sized version of the same shirt. Editor, Good article on "The Battle of the Bell(e)s". I brought back a lot of memories. I remember as a kid when I used to ring the doorbells on Devil's Night up in Detroit. -Dee Ingdon ED NOTE: Senior reporter Mike McCarty did the in-depth coverage on the classic battle. Of course, when Karen read the article, Mike got his own bell rung!
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I have a complaint. I'm upset on the cost of the Christmas draw going up to $30 this year. I remember when it used to be between 5-10 dollars. I don't think we should have to pay that much for a present. ED NOTE: I agree. I was hoping to get the person I was drawing for a $30 gift card to a gas station. However, I am changing it because it wouldn't come close to filling up the tank. There was a 20'' TV on sale at Meijer this weekend that cost less than filling up the gas tank on my van. Next year though... $5.