Greystone Golf & Country Club is preparing for the best Dan McCarty Golf Classic yet. This is the 10th annual event started by Steve McCarty in honor of his brother Dan who passed away in 1996. Although and avid golfer, Dan suffered with complications from Lupus, a disease that affects nearly 2 million Americans. This years' event is being presented by Cadillac Motors, and all proceeds will be presented to the Michigan Chapter of the National Lupus Alliance. The outing will take place on Saturday, August 6, with a shotgun start at 8am. There will be a luncheon and raffle afterwards, with the grand prize being a rare SuperX motorcycle. See the DMGC web page for more information and to purchase raffle tickets. . | . | 
| .2004 DMGC Champions Bosart, Anderson, Conway, Fischer 11 Under Par 60 | The 2005 Grand Prize Super X Motorcycle (based on min. 101 tickets sold) | . | . |
As a prelude to the DMGC, Brad Savage & The Cockroaches will reunite for a one-night concert. Everyone is welcome to this free event. The party will begin at 6:30pm on Friday, August 5 and run till 11pm. There will be free hot dogs, pop, and the first keg of beer is on the band. The party will feature karoake, fireworks, candy, plus much more. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR AN EVENING OF FUN! A flyer is available for download on the reunion webpage. The headlining band will go on stage approximately 9PM. Please... BYOB, and bring a dish to pass.
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In a tradition as old as time, McCarty's always grasp onto success of athletes, and convert that over to their regular life. Take for instance Dwight Stones who medalled in the high jump using the Fosbury Flop method. Well, DJ, Larry, Kelly & Jerry immediately jumped on the band wagon and put some lawn chair cushions in the backyard and practically broke their necks trying to FLOP. (Larry was the only smart one, he just ran as fast has he could and hurdled the bar). Well tragedy almost struck again in California as Jerry McCarty, finished watching Lance Armstrong win the Tour de France, then headed out to the Hollywood Hills to replicate the victory. He tried riding the bike while drinking champagne and holding up 7 fingers.. | . | 
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Steve & Kristen threw a pre-wedding party for Scott & Erin at the Palazzo di Bocce restaurant on July 24. The party was attended by Steve & Kristen, Scott & Erin, Rick & Kevin, Mike & Karen, Kelly & Margaret and mom. All had a great time playing bocce ball, enjoying a pizza luncheon, and spending some time with Scott & Erin. - DATELINE ROCHESTER, MI
Jenna Kiara McCarty was baptized on Sunday, July 17 at St. Andrews Parrish in Rochester, Michigan. Jenna was one of 10 newly baptized babies. After the ceremony, the guests were treated to a delicious lunch created by Jenna's grandma Gail Toner at the McCarty estate at Twin Lakes.. | . |  Jenna being baptized |  The priest makes the sign of the cross on Jenna | . | . |  I see another collection envelope coming in about 18 years |  Daddy Steve, Godmother Margaret, Godfather Chris sister Megan, Jenna, & Mommy Kristen | . | . | | |
The Independence Day celebration at Steve's house came off without a hitch. Delicious food, great company, swimming, bocce ball, capped off with a spectacular fireworks display. On top of everything else, there were no injuries.
 The boys play a little bocce ball |  The editor of the Metro recruiting another reporter | . | . |  The kids enjoy the sparklers |  Hey! Aren't those illegal in Michigan? | . | . |  Ooooh! Aaaaah! |  Fireworks capped off the night | . | . |
Mike and Karen McCarty visited Arcadia (northern Michigan, not California) and Maryland on their vacation in July. It was hot in both spots. Arcadia was super relaxing. While there, Mike took a side trip to Tustin to jam with a friend who used to live in GR. We had a guitar, bass, banjo and assorted percussion "instruments" played by the kids. A good bluegrass time was had by all. At Owings Mills, Md., we walked Nitro in 99-degree heat. He was panting and his tongue was hanging out. (For Metro readers who do not know, Nitro is Andy and Ann's dog.) Karen and I got to see a lot of our grandson, Sam. Andy and Ann are doing well.
Karen relates an almost-superhero moment she had with Sam: SAM: "I hear kids. I think they need help." KAREN: "I don't think so." SAM: "OK."
. | . | . |  |  |  | Most of the Owings Mills Macs smile for the camera. Sam just realized he won't be able to attend the Cockroach reunion. | Mike finally finds an audience that appreciates bluegrass music. C'mon, everyone, let's sing the chorus together: Boil them cabbage down, boys, Turn them hoecakes 'round, Only song that I can sing is Boil them cabbage down. | Sam tries out his new wrestling move on Grandpa Mike. Mike survived Sam's jump from the top ring rope, and immediately put Sam into a figure-four leg lock, which is a submission hold in Maryland. |
ACTUAL NEWS!!! We at the McCarty Metro, from time-to-time, like to bring you current news from other publications that highlight our Metro readers. Do you have an article you would like to share? Scan it and attach it in an e-mail, or just send me the url. . Detroit News Macomb Briefs Wednesday, July 20, 2005 
| Minneapolis Star Tribune And on the eighth day, these travelers rested Patrice Relerford, Star Tribune July 10, 2005 The lights were back on, the bathrooms were unlocked, and people were just glad to have a place to stop and rest. By 9 a.m. Saturday, highway rest areas in the Twin Cities had reopened after the end of the partial government shutdown. But all 77 rest stops won't open until Monday, because it will take time to get work crews to all the sites, said Lucy Kender, MnDOT spokeswoman. Rest stops were closed for eight days, forcing travelers to rely on gas stations and restaurants for bathroom breaks. On Saturday afternoon, Sue Schrempp of Victoria was one of about two dozen travelers who made pit stops at the Forest Lake rest area on Interstate Hwy. 35W. She was glad to see the it open. "We were in the western part of the state for the Fourth [of July], and they were all closed," Schrempp said. "It was pretty annoying." Charlie Nelson of Chisago City works for a subcontractor that operates the Forest Lake rest area and others for MnDOT. And he was glad to be back to work. One of his supervisors came in early in the morning to reopen the site. "They [legislators] always wait to the last minute every time," Nelson said. "I was surprised this one was open. It's a Saturday, there's not many people you can get out [to open them]." Other travelers like Nicholas and Mira Nockel of Eden Prairie came to the rest stop expecting it to be open. They knew about the shutdown but hadn't heard that rest areas were closed. They sat at a covered picnic table eating lunch. "I had no idea," Mira Nockel said. "We were just hungry." Margaret McCarty read a map mounted on a wall near vending machines and a water fountain. Describing herself as a serious shopper, she said her family drove to Minnesota from Detroit to visit the Mall of America. She and her husband, Kelly, learned the rest area had just reopened. "That's good because I really had to go," Kelly McCarty said. "We timed this perfectly." Schrempp, however, wasn't just passing through Minnesota. She made it clear she was unhappy with the leaders' inability to prevent a shutdown and keep state services running. "I'm disappointed in our Legislature," Schrempp said. "There's a part of me that wants to hold back our taxes for this period of time." |