DATELINE METRO OFFICES The 2004 Christmas Drawing took place live and on-line in the Metro Chat Room on Sunday, October 24. Hours of negotiations were held to determine the price limit on the gifts this year, and here is the decision.... Mum says "$30. Case Closed!" Here are the results of the drawing... .Steve drew Larry | Kelly drew Ryan | Rick drew Andy | Ryan drew Dennis | Kristen drew Missy | Margaret drew Karen | Dennis drew Kelly | Missy drew Margaret | Jerry drew Rick | Larry drew Mike | Mike drew Jerry | Andy drew Steve | Kathlene drew Carla | Carla drew Ann | Karen drew Kristen | Ann drew Kathlene |
DATELINE VALENCIA Jerry and Kathlene’s neighbor Tracey Gold was arrested and booked on Suspicion of Driving Under the influence of alcohol after flipping her SUV over with her husband and kids in it. It is believed this was just an elaborate ruse to get out of the elementary school car-pooling in the mornings. | . While in Santa Monica, California Jerry met Janet Woods at the Regal Beagle. Ms. Woods was waiting for Jack Tripper to arrive, but he was tardy. Later, Janet decided to wait no longer for the late Jack Tripper and move on to Larry. | . Evan McCarty added to the possibility that he will grow up gay, by taking gymnastic classes with his sister Dana. He was given a star on his head for doing a cartwheel and a summersault, but later was told it was a mistake and was asked to give it to a Korean four-year old. | 
DATELINE METRO OFFICES As time passes, negotiations are still ongoing for a Cockroach reunion. Until that times comes for this historic event, the editor of the McCarty Metro, received permission from the Cockroaches (actually only one of them... I'm anticipating a lawsuit) to make available on this website, some of their music for free download. The Metro is featuring two songs this month. The first one was written by McCarty, Balch & McCarty and recorded in 1982. It was the "B Side" featured on their first record and is called "Three Stooges Rock & Roll". The second was written by McCarty, Balch & McCarty and recorded 20 years later. It was written into the soundtrack of "The Archie Movie". The song is called "We're The Archies". ED NOTE - Although we plan on offering the entire Cockroach collection, the Metro reserves the right to switch to a glassware collection without any reason. DATELINE TV VIEWERS | | Doughnut-guzzling, beer-quaffing Homer Simpson may not be the model father but he has won the hearts of TV fans who want the nuclear power plant worker to be the next U.S. President. Former president George Bush notoriously said American families should be "closer to the Waltons than the Simpsons" but Homer was overwhelming favorite in a Radio Times magazine poll on which U.S. TV character should take over at the White House. Here is a campaign poster of the runner up. . | The neighbors on Sesame Street are planning their annual Thanksgiving block party and dinner, even though Big Bird has not been seen in over a year. Below is a picture of the group can be seen at last years' dinner. Can you find Big Bird? |
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