FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10th annual Dan McCarty Golf Classic will be at Twin Lakes Golf Club in Rochester Michigan on Saturday, August 7, 2004. Cost for the event is $85 per golfer if received before July 1, or $95 per golfer after July 1st. The fee includes 18 hole scramble, cart, and a BBQ Ribs / Chicken Lunch. 8:00am Shot Gun Start. This year the Lupus foundation will be collecting all money. Golfers will pay by check or credit card to the Lupus foundation, they will immediately send a receipt. More details in the next Metro. Latest News On The 2004 Dan McCarty Golf Classic |  Jim Seeling Gets Teed Off
DATELINE HOLLYWOOD: The McCarty Metro has dispatched reporter and columnist Jerry McCarty to cover this year's Academy Awards. He will be seated right between Uma and Oprah. And for accepting the tough assignment, he was also rewarded with a trip to Hawaii which he will leave the following day. Jer has promised a detailed account of the Oscars, and will file the report as soon as he can drag his sorry ass off the sandy white beaches of Waikiki. If you would like to be updated as soon as his article comes on-line, the sign up for our free updates. DATELINE CLINTON TOWNSHIP: On February 29, 2004, Austin McCarty made his confirmation in the Catholic Church. The 14 year old freshman at Fraser High School and catechism student made the sacrament at St. Ronald Parish with his father, Kelly, as sponsor and Bishop Moses Anderson presiding. Austin prepared for the event by doing many community service hours. He continues to be an alter server for St. Ronald's. Congratulations Austin. We at the Metro are very proud of you. | 
DATELINE TENNESSEE: Returning from a recent Carnival (contamination free) Cruise to Cozumel, Larry McCarty hit it big in bingo winning $600 and picking up a few phone numbers for some hot gray hairs in the bingo hall. Once in Mexico, Larry & Carla hopped on a boat and set sail for the Yucatan peninsula and a tour of the Mayan ruins. After complimentary shots of Tequila, it is uncertain if the Tennessee McCarty's actually seen the Mayan ruins or just hugged the porcelain god. DATELINE FRANKENMUTH: The Clinton Twp. McCartys went for their 10th annual "Weekend in Frankenmuth". This year, besides the great chicken dinners and shopping, the Mcs were treated to snow and ice sculptures which adorned the town's streets. DATELINE SHELBY TOWNSHIP: It won't be advertised in the McCarty Metro classified ads, but the Metro has learned that Steve and Kristen are putting their house up on the market. Says the Shelby Township couple, "Now that the Metro has given us a long term reporting contract, we can now find the home of our dreams." DATELINE TENNESSEE: Tennessee officially kicked off their first ever state lottery with an assortment of scratch off tickets. With the money raised through ticket sales, the state now offers $2000 scholarships towards higher education. First lesson: you ain't gonna win big money on scratch offs. DATELINE CLINTON TOWNSHIP: Fresh off Para-thyroid surgery in January, Margaret McCarty will once again undergo the knife on Wednesday, March 3. Hospital officials are stating it is a standard hysterectomy, but these two photos of Margaret might give us reason to doubt that. The first is from her wedding in 1984 and the second one taken just a couple of days ago. Anyway, we wish you a speedy recovery. 
| Margaret 1984 | Margaret 2004 |
MARCH SNUBS THE MCCARTYS: March is full of causes to celebrate, but no McCarty was chosen to be a poster child. "We came close, though," family spokesman Dennis McCarty said in a press release from somewhere in Iraq. "We feel we had a shot at landing American Summer Camp Week, but, unfortunately, they said Batcamp doesn't exist anymore." Camp Week is the first week in March, along with Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week and Federal Employees Recognition Week. "Dunno. Of course, we're aware of alcohol," McCarty Metro Editor Kelly McCarty shrugged when asked why a McCarty was not chosen to represent a week. Federal employee Margaret McCarty refused comment. Insiders say it's a shame the McCarty brothers were not chosen as poster children for Procrastination Week, the second week of March. Jerry McCarty couldn't be reached for comment. His answering machine said, "We can't come to the phone, leave a message and we'll get back to you, but don't hold your breath." Rick McCarty was disappointed he was not chosen to represent Foot Health Month. But organizers said Rick thought he was applying to be poster child for "Flatfoot Month." Larry McCarty felt Peanut Month ignored his resume, which consisted of his name, address and one sentence: "Tennessee is really close to Georgia." The McCartys are boycotting these March celebrations, for the obvious reasons: Nutrition Month Science Month, and March is National Talk With Your Teen About Sex Month. TV Turn Off Week (first week in March) OBITUARIES: CRUDDER CAROL V February 13, 2004 Age 70 of St. Clair Shores. Beloved wife of John A. Dearest mother of Robert (Donna), James (Teresa), Mark (Sue), Colleen Shefferly, Patty Roach (John) and Kathy Wagner (Tom). Grandmother of 11. Sister of Robert Wieske (Jan), Mark Wieske (Gail), Mary Finazzo (Sam) and the late Joseph Wieske (Fran) and Thais Callahan (the late Leo). Visitation on Saturday 5-9 p.m. and Sunday 2-9 p.m. at Kaul Funeral Home, 35201 Garfield, Clinton Twp. Prayers Sunday 7 p.m. In state Monday 9 a.m. until time of Mass 9:30 a.m. at St. Blase Catholic Church, 12151 15 Mile Road, Sterling Heights. Burial Resurrection Cemetery. Share a memory at |