The McCarty Metro

Still Under The Basement Steps 

Gas Savers
Do the high gas prices got you down? Cheer up and conserve. The McCarty brothers are cutting their costs by taking these 11 fuel-hardly steps:

1. Pouring regular, instead of mid-grade, on breakfast cereal.

2. Finding cheaper, alternative gas. (Taco Bell)

3. When going to Hollywood Collector Shows, Jerry car-pools with Jon Provost and Gary Busey.

4. Mom reduces trips to Meijers to just five a day.

5. Rick eliminates all non-essential* doughnut runs.

6. Larry recycles old LC Productions videos into usable auto fuel. **

7. When Steve plays golf, he walks instead of taking a gas-powered golf cart. ***

8. Kelly laid off the entire McCarty Metro Circulation Department and mothballed the fleet of delivery vehicles. ****

9. Dennis camel-pools to work with Ra’id, Achmed and Leroy.

10. Mike walks to gas station to fill gas can for power mower. Also, he now cuts grass once every six weeks. *****

11. BAFUNDY (Bug a Friend Until He Drives You)

* Crullers and bear claws
** Lar says, “My car has never run so long on a tankful!”
*** Coincidentally, Steve has a new house.
**** Now, Mom gets the Metro by snail mail.
***** Or earlier, if the Grand Rapids Department of Blight calls.

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