Do the high gas prices got you down? Cheer up and conserve. The McCarty brothers are cutting their costs by taking these 11 fuel-hardly steps: 
1. Pouring regular, instead of mid-grade, on breakfast cereal. 2. Finding cheaper, alternative gas. (Taco Bell) 3. When going to Hollywood Collector Shows, Jerry car-pools with Jon Provost and Gary Busey. 4. Mom reduces trips to Meijers to just five a day. 5. Rick eliminates all non-essential* doughnut runs. 6. Larry recycles old LC Productions videos into usable auto fuel. ** 7. When Steve plays golf, he walks instead of taking a gas-powered golf cart. *** 8. Kelly laid off the entire McCarty Metro Circulation Department and mothballed the fleet of delivery vehicles. **** 9. Dennis camel-pools to work with Ra’id, Achmed and Leroy. 10. Mike walks to gas station to fill gas can for power mower. Also, he now cuts grass once every six weeks. ***** 11. BAFUNDY (Bug a Friend Until He Drives You) * Crullers and bear claws ** Lar says, “My car has never run so long on a tankful!” *** Coincidentally, Steve has a new house. **** Now, Mom gets the Metro by snail mail. ***** Or earlier, if the Grand Rapids Department of Blight calls. |