WOULD IT KILL YA! I like it (the Metro going monthly). I will up my subscription for one more year. But would it kill ya to put more girls, get rich quick schemes and trivia in it? -RaiffOH BILLY BILLY BILLY BILLY Congratulations on The McCarty Metro going monthly. Best of luck to your crackjack staff. And keep "Peanut and Jocko" coming. Ah, the joys of toilet humor. Heh-heh-hehhehheh ... fffffhhhhtttt ... heh-heh. Good night and good news, - Ted Baxter LAWSUIT? A monthly? Congrats. Our lawyers will be talking to your counsel. - Local 9323 / International Guild of Online Reporters, Columnists and Cartoonists THE 5 SECRETS OF A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP 1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job. 2. It is important that a man makes you laugh. 3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you. 4. It is important that a man is good in bed and loves making love to you. 5. It is important that these four men don't know each other. -Hiding At Least 3 A NEW LOOK (right) I know you worry about me over here, but take a look at this picture. I had the "Fab 5" come over and do a make-over for one of my former neighbors here in Iraq. You should see what they did to his "Spider Hole". The best part of the whole thing was when Carson asked me to "Be a lamb and pass me the nose hair trimmers". -DPCALL TERMINEX Hey! What ever happened to the big Cockroach reunion. I saw it advertised on more than one website. Some people say it was because Brad couldn't find a parking space, others say it was because Eric couldn't find a note. Or maybe it was because Bob couldn't find Rochester! -What Gives? | 