Presidents Day falls this month. We pause now to consider the mysterious links between some of our nation’s commanders in chief and the McCarty brothers.

George Washington | 
McCarty Brothers | Threw a stone across the Potomoc River Cut down a cherry tree Never told a lie Wooden teeth On the $1 bill Powdered his hair to make it white | Had the Mysterious Stone Thrower Had a cherry tree in the back yard Never got away with telling a lie Porcelain teeth Spent many $1 bills Hair going white all by itself |

Abraham Lincoln | 
McCarty Brothers | Grew up in a log cabin Was president of the United States Freed the slaves Comfortable with homely appearance Shot while watching “Our American Cousin”
| Grew up with Lincoln Logs DJ was president of his 8th grade class Took anything that was free Well, duh, we’re cool about it, too Did shots with cousin Tony |

John F. Kennedy | 
Abraham Lincoln | 
. The McCartys |
UNCANNY COINCIDENCES 7 The names Lincoln, Kennedy and McCarty each contain seven letters. Southern Connection Both Kennedy and Lincoln were succeeded by Southerners. Larry McCarty lives down South. The Johnson Link? Both Kennedy’s and Lincoln’s successors were named Johnson. Mom McCarty may have used Johnson wax. And – follow this, now: Safety boy captain DJ fired his own brother, Larry; and if Larry’s successor was named Johnson, that would be really eerie. 08 Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. Rick McCarty went 0-for-8 during a doubleheader at Coyle Park. Caught John Wilkes Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse. Lee Harvey Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. Michael Lawrence McCarty was caught trying to get into the Atlas Theater for kid’s price. Shot Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theatre Kennedy was shot in a Ford Lincoln and All McCartys at one time or another drove a car that was shot.
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