DATELINE DETROIT, MICHIGAN The largest counterfeit CD and DVD bust in city history took place in November. Detroit police raided a city house and found enough CDs and DVDs to fill an electronic store. Investigators say the merchandise was all fake, and added up to be the biggest counterfeit bust in city history. Not only did the bust put the producer of these fakes out of business, but also all the people that helped him sell the pirated material every day. 10,000 counterfeit CDs and DVDs were confiscated from the scene, with an estimated value of $250,000. Inspector Steve McCarty, of Detroit's Vice Enforcement Unit, told The Metro, "The Vice Enforcement Unit began an investigation, starting from the street level purchase of this type of illegal contraband. They followed it up to the street level dealer. They continued their investigation in the result of a major producer." See the entire story from Channel 7 News. Please note that you will need Real Player installed on your computer to view the video clip on that page. Don't have it? Download RealPlayer Free. | .... | 
. | . | . | DATELINE METRO OFFICES After the story broke on ABC Television in Detroit for the historic raid in Detroit, the McCarty Metro right away jumped on an error not caught by WXYZ TV. The Metro reporting team revealed the fact that there is no listing of an Inspector Steve McCarty on the Detroit Police Force. There is however a Sheriff Steve McCarty (pictured) who considers himself one tough hombre.In a follow up report from the home offices, The 2004 Christmas Drawing took place live and on-line in the Metro Chat Room on Sunday, October 24.Hours of negotiations were held to determine the price limit on the gifts this year, and here is the decision.... Mum says "$30. Case Closed!" Here are the results of the drawing... . | 
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Steve drew Larry | Kelly drew Ryan | Rick drew Andy | Ryan drew Dennis | Kristen drew Missy | Margaret drew Karen | Dennis drew Kelly | Missy drew Margaret | Jerry drew Rick | Larry drew Mike | Mike drew Jerry | Andy drew Steve | Kathlene drew Carla | Carla drew Ann | Karen drew Kristen | Ann drew Kathlene |
| . | DATELINE MACOMB TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN The Annual McCarty Metro Christmas Party will take place on Christmas Eve at Mom's house. All McCartys are encouraged to attend. This year, the event will be catered by the Meijer Deli Department, Budweiser, Town Club Pop, and the Pistachio Barn. PS. Anyone who does not attend doesn't get a present... PUNCTUALITY COUNTS! |
. | DATELINE OWINGS MILLS, MARYLAND The Grand Rapids McCartys visited the Maryland McCartys for Thanksgiving and had a great time. Well, almost all the GR McCartys. Ryan and Missy braved a blizzard and spent Thanksgiving with her relatives in Indiana. They had a terrific time, too. In Owings Mills, Md., Ann made a great Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. The day after Thanksgiving, everybody piled into the Maryland McCartys' new minivan and visited Hershey's Chocolate World in Hersey's, Pa. By afternoon, the place was packed. Sam, who is 2, had close encounters with Santa Claus aboard the Hershey Trolley and with a giant York Peppermint Patty in the Hershey park. Among the rides, Mike, Andy, Chris and Jill went on the bumper cars, Karen and Jill went on the Skyview cable cars, Andy and Chris went on the Claw, Ann took Sam on the choo-choo train, and Andy won two sideshow prizes for Sam. Mike still has his free kazoo, but the chocolate is long gone. Hershey's Chocolate World rules! | 
| . | DATELINE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Here in Los Angeles, people were shocked by the violence at the Palace during the Pistons/Pacers game. Don’t worry, I straightened them out. As I explained, this happens all the time in Detroit. Hockey Fans always throw beer into the visiting bench and the penalty box. At Tiger Stadium, Ricky Henderson used to get rolls of pennies thrown at him in centerfield, and fights in the stands at Lions games are legendary. Here are my Five Favorite Detroit Fan/Athlete Violent Incidents 5. Channel 62’s Big Time Wrestling is delayed when Danny McCarty gets into a heated argument with a masked wrestler called the Student. Bob McCarty tries to act as a peacemaker and gets “drooled on” by the wrestler. . 4. Rick McCarty takes part in one many fights at CJ Barrymores during a softball game after a questionable call at home plate. Ricky pins Dave Rozema against the backstop and DJ throws the ball at the Umpire. . 3. Kelly McCarty throws a Dodge Ball in gym class into the face of a Girl on the other side of the gymnasium playing volleyball. Kelly claims the girl called him a “sick nothing”, the girl claimed she was just saying the score before she served. . 2. In 1968 to celebrate the Detroit Tiger Pennant, Mike McCarty ran out onto the Tiger Stadium field and ripped up some sod, after unsuccessfully trying to get second base. Mike was escorted out of the stadium after Don Wert explained to him it was just the 7th inning stretch. . 1. In 1942, a 16 year-old Bob McCarty loses his job as a “Pin Setter” at a Detroit Bowling Alley after beating up some patrons who repeatedly hit him in the ankles with bowling balls while he was trying to set up the pins for the next frame. When asked about it, Bob responded…..”Yeah, I went all Tony Galento on his ass!” | . | DATELINE JONESVILLE, MICHIGAN Avid deer hunter and Metro subscriber, Larry Wendt, proudly displays his deer he got during deer season in the southern Michigan town. He and his hunting buddy Tim bagged the deer between November 14-16. Larry's was an 8 pointer he claims he shot with a bow, and Tim's 6 pointer was claimed to be killed with a gun. Below are 2 photos with the prizes, then a cut-away picture of the front of their car taken the night of the 14th .. | | . | DATELINE LANSING, MICHIGAN What happens when you predict snow but don't get any? A female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked: "So Bob, where's that 8 inches you promised me last night?" Not only did he have to leave the set, but half the crew did too they were laughing so hard! |
. | . | AND FINALLY... DATELINE MT. PLEASANT, MICHIGAN Brad McCarty, a freshman at Central Michigan University, takes pride in spreading a little Christmas Cheer at his New Job"Merry Christmas From The McCarty Metro Newsroom
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