DATELING DMGC: As the shotgun gets ready to fire off the official start of the 2004 Dan McCarty Golf Classic, one can only hope that Rick McCarty keeps his piece in its' holster. Another sellout field is expected for the August 7th event which honors a great brother, friend and golfer, and raises money for the Lupus Alliance of America. Golfers from all over the U.S. are itching to play at the new location of the Twin Lakes Golf & Swim Club. Complete details on the DMGC web page, along with a map and directions. .DATELINE AUSTRALIA: |  | At the time this edition went to press, Margaret & son Brad McCarty are on assignment in the land down under. In her daily debriefing with Metro executives, reports from Margaret seem to be a little sketchy, but she promises a full update with photos for the September issue of the Metro. Preliminary reports include shopping downtown in Auckland where they found it to be very expensive to live there. Brad do an expose' on the fast food industry of New Zealand reporting from McDonalds & Burger King. Margaret reported that the people of Auckland eat spaghetti and beans for breakfast! MMMMM!!! | . In her second report, Margaret reported that a dingo ate her baby. On day 3, several earthquakes rocked the region, one that was a 4.6 on the Richter scale, while flooding affected the south, but Margaret's headline to me was how to buy stamps (since I couldn't find any in our house). The 2 reporters saw the glow-worm caves, but split up when Margaret went to Milford Sound and a boat trip to the Tasman Sea, while Brad opted for a luge ride, five times and had lunch at McDonalds!! Plus a few naps throughout the day. The next day, both reporters went on a luge 5 times, also they went on a jet boat ride, which was fun. The temps got near freezing as the 2 motored through the Southern Alps to Franz Josef, population 351. On July 28, they celebrated the editors birthday by going to the School of the Air, Telegraph Station, they rode camels, toured the Royal Flying Doctors Museum and went to an outback bbq!!! The two then left for Ayers Rock then to the Great Barrier Reef where our reporters went snorkeling and then scuba-diving. They then visited a rainforest Brad went out on an ATV with 2 Japanese people and a crazy bearded tour guide! They finished that day up with a bbq by the pool. The two will fly off to Sydney for the final 4 days and return home on August 4. |
DATELINE OAKLAND TOWNSHIP: Another McCarty will be coming into the world. Kristen & Steve McCarty announced that they are expecting a new addition to the family some time early in 2005. As always on any births, the McCarty Metro has final say on naming the baby, so as the date approaches, we will have a 'NAME THAT MCCARTY' poll with the winning name etched in the lores of McCartydom.. DATELINE MARYLAND: Announcing the Grand Opening of Sam & Eden, designing jewelry for everyday life. Check out the website at Ann McCarty & her friend Melissa are not only Metro readers, but also neighbors and new moms to their children "Sam & Eden", and they started designing and creating jewelry. They began this adventure because in their daily lives as moms, they desperately needed a touch of added style!! Their goal in designing jewelry is to evoke a sense of beauty and to provide an affordable way to complement and refine your daily style. As you notice the combination of shapes and colors in the jewelry, Ann & Melissa hope that their uniqueness will inspire your own sense of creativity every single day! Enter code (albinrose20) at checkout for 20% off. ATTENTION METRO READERS!!! Please help them get a great start by forwarding this announcement to everyone you know!!! | 
DATELINE UTICA: The wedding of Tim & Angela McCarty took place on July 24 at Trinity Lutheran Church, followed by a reception at the Knights of Columbus hall in Utica Michigan. Metro reporters Steve & Kristen McCarty along with the Metro editor attended the reception. Also sitting at the Metro table were Jean McCarty (Kelly's date), Dan & Mary Jo Mack, Tony Calati, Dan & Pat Dohring, and Bernie & Barbara Guzdial. Unfortunately, all Metro cameras are in Australia, but the table WAS treated to dozens of flashes as the photographers booth was right next to the table. Kristen reports that the "little white spots" are almost gone now. Anyway, we had a fabulous time. The food was great. We got to see Brian McCarty in a tux... Life is Good!!! Also, to all of our relatives who also subscribe to the McCarty Metro... It was great seeing all of you, and we should do this again real soon. SO SOMEBODY PROPOSE ALREADY!!!! INTERESTING TOPIC: What actually happened on Halloween 1954? The discussion at the Metro table at the wedding of Tim & Angela turned to some McCarty history. Tony cited a rash of babies born on or around August 1, 1955. Aunt Lee, Aunt Bea, Aunt Mary and my mom all had children within a week of each other. As the Metro editor, I tracked down the only Halloween costume shop in Detroit and spoke with 90 year old Tom Timmerman, owner of Timmerman Costumes. He said he didn't keep individual records, but recalls that he had a run on the Johnny Weismuller / Maureen O'Sullivan (Tarzan & Jane) costumes that year. He then went on... "These 3 Irishmen and an Italian walk into the costume store." I stopped him right there sensing a bad ethnic joke coming up. All's I know is... IT MUST HAVE BEEN SOME PARTY!!! DATELINE GRAND RAPIDS: McCartys help Ford Car Sales! The Grand Rapids McCartys added another red vehicle to the fleet in July. The new Ford Explorer goes to Karen McCarty. Mike McCarty also got a "new" car out of the deal -- one of the famed Mercury Mobiles. It was Karen's '96 red model. However, Mike's nice, light puke-green '93 Mercury Mobile went to the Retirement Home for Old Mercs. AND FINALLY... Whoever put the cat in the clothes dryer is in some SERIOUS trouble! 