10. Mike stops a puck with his head and goes home to the wrong house. 9. Larry McCarty’s prowess with a bat called “Stubby Kaye” results in Magahay fans putting signs that say “Hit Me” on the fence. 8. Dennis calls the Wrestling Hot Rod to get tickets for Cobo Wrestling. 7. Kelly McCarty fields a ground ball at third base and throws a perfect strike to Jerry at first base. Jerry misses the ball which hits the 12 year old base runner in the head. 6. Steve McCarty bends back finger playing basketball. This allows him to flip people off in all directions. 5. Rick McCarty wins the Detroit Parks and Recreation league Horseshoe tournament with a disputed leaner. 4. Mom McCarty wins the Shoe Kick at Edgewater Park 3. Dad McCarty wins a bike in a paddle ball contest despite a protest filed by Junior Oglinski. 2. DJ shoves an overweight mile walker through the fence opening at Mt. Clemens High School to allow Johnson Controls to finish 8th in the Corporate Olympics. 1. (TIE) – Kelly turns a triple into an out by sitting on the High Speeds Bench - Ricky beats up Dave Rozema at a softball game at CJ Barrymores
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