The McCarty Metro

Still Under The Basement Steps 


Easter Games
(And The McCarty Versions)


What’s Easter without a few games? Well, never mind. On the left, you will find namby-pamby Easter Egg game ideas from the Web. You will notice that these strange games bear little resemblance to McCarty games, on the right. Most games on the right don’t even need Easter.

Easter Egg GamesWhat The McCartys Play
Easter Egg Rolling
Find a hill, pick a colored egg, roll it down the hill. The egg reaching the base of the hill first is the winner. This game is played at the White House on the Monday after Easter.
Rolling down Hills
Find a hill, lay down and roll. You do not need eggs. First one to roll to the bottom wins. Play until kids get tired or someone hits his or her head on a rock.
Easter Egg Bowling
Color some boiled eggs and leave one white. Roll the white one into the center of a room and take turns to see who can roll their egg closest to the white egg.
Bocce Ball
Are you kidding? “Easter Egg Bowling” is a rip-off of the game we all play at Steve’s house. No eggs. Just colored wooden balls. The white one is called the pallino.
Fun for All Easter Egg Hunt
To make Easter Egg hunts fun for all children, have eggs painted a certain color for each child. At the start of the hunt, give each child a different colored egg for their basket. Tell them this is the color they’re supposed to hunt for and also the number of eggs that are hidden. First child to find all their eggs wins a special prize.
Ma’s “$$ Fun” Easter Egg Hunt
Forget all the stuff at left. All you need are plastic eggs. Fill them with money – different amounts – and hide them for kids to find, but with a great degree of difficulty. Game ends when kids collect four eggs (or whatever limit you set), or when children can no longer find eggs and you can’t remember where you hid them. First child to find all their eggs wins the right to laugh at the others.
Nosey Egg Roll
The idea of this is to have the kids roll the eggs using only their noses. The first one over the finish line wins a prize.
Nosey Egg Roll*
McCartys have not played the game at left, but it has potential. Use same rules. *Field should be extremely muddy or filled with raw sewage.
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Have each kid bring their own flashlight from home. The Easter Egg hunt is in the dark. This can be done indoors or outside.
The Dark Game
This is played without eggs. In the basement.

Egg Toss
Contestants stand in 2 lines, facing each other. One person tosses raw egg to partner, then backs up for return toss. Each team keeps tossing until egg breaks on person trying to catch it. Last team with unbroken egg wins. 

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