You took a "moonlight cruise" to Bob-Lo with Captain Bob-Lo or went to Edgewater Park. | You once pulled a dead body out of Lake St. Clair |
You remember the big stove that was on Jefferson Ave. at the entrance to Belle Isle. | You found your Easter basket in your mothers stove |
You shopped at Hughes & Hatcher, B Siegel, Peck and Peck, Robert Hall, Crowley's, Shoppers Fair, EJ Korvettes or Federals. | You shopped at the Swank Shop, and got your treats from Whiteys, Happy Jacks, or Jim Dandys, |
You rode the elevator at J. L. Hudson's, which was "run" by an elevator operator. | You slid down the basement steps in a clothes basket |
You remember a Winkleman's and Sanders store in your neighborhood. | You remember Cokie, Babs, Cindy, Rex and Fanny in your neighborhood |
You remember the "Big Snow", Buffalo Bob, Howdy Doody, & Calarabell. | You remember "3-Wood" on Bowling for Dollars |
You remember Twin Pines Dairy delivered milk and juice to the chute on the side of your house and Milky the Clown performed magic with the magic words "Twin Pines". | You rode on a milk truck with Uncle LeRoy, or you heard bottles clanking in the trunk of your car which forces you to say "Oh my God, the car's wrecked!" |
You remember the Good Humor man wearing white, ringing the bells down your street. | You remember Larry running away from a news customer who just wanted to pay him. |
You remember Olympia Stadium. You remember when Vernors was made on Woodward Ave. and a bearded troll was on the bottle. | You remember Coyle Park. You remember Tico pop, and the unidentified sticky goop on the bottles. You remember Chucky Brown's Coke-rotted teeth. |
Your Mom got groceries at Great Scott, Food Fair, Wrigley's or Chatham. | Your Dad got groceries at Great Scott, Food Fair, Wrigley's or Chatham. |
Your Mom save Holden Red Stamps, S&H Green stamps, or Gold Bell Gift stamps, and you licked them into those little books. Kresge's and Woolworth's were Dime Stores". | Your Dad save stamps off Chesterfield cigarettes packages. You remember Kaye Schultz wondering how much that doggie in the window was. |
You had an uncle in the furniture business (Joshua Door). | You had a drunk next-door neighbor in the garbage business (Baggard Maggard) |
You know who Bill Kennedy is. | You know what Strat-o-Matic Baseball is |
You saw the Detroit Lions play football in Briggs Stadium. | You saw Rick wrestle as the Sheik at Coyle Park. |
You remember Black Bart and the Faygo song. Or how about "Which way did he go? He went for Faygo, old fashion root bear". | You remember the Mac & The Lost Cause, The McCarty 3, The Cockroaches, and the Styrofoam song. |
You watched Rita Bell in the morning. | You watched the Ghoul at night |
You remember Jack LeGoff and Van Patrick. | You remember Red Head Diane & Mrs Papler |
You remember Milky the Clown, Soupy Sales, Johnny Ginger, Poopdeck Paul, Captain Jolly, and maybe even the Sargent Sakto Salute. | You remember DJ on TV, first with Poop Deck Paul, and then arguing with George "the animal" Steele on Big Time Wrestling |
You visited the Wonder Bread Bakery and got to take home a mini load of bread. | You visited the Zoo, ran down hills, and counted garbage cans |
Your phone number was LAkeview, or VErmont and you had a party line you could listen too. | You didn't use the phone. You walked to your friends house and shouted their first name in a 2-syllable format until they came out |
You remember "Get on the right track at 9 mile and Mack, to get the best deal in town. Roy O'Brian.. it's the best deal in town". | The best deal in town was free street showers and trading baseball cards |
Your laundry chute and a milk chute and a coal chute. | You hid snow balls in the milk chute for a snowball fight |
You remember going to Detroit Edison with your Mom to exchange burned out light bulbs for new ones. | You remember Dad tossing out a burning Christmas tree with Neil MacDonald on the porch |
You are very familiar with the nicknames "The Motor City", "Colemans Crap Hole" or "The Murder City" | You are very familiar with the nicknames Mako, Dudley, Racko, Chip, LaCoot, Tabo, Jabo or Steve-a-Reeno. |
You know there is a distinct difference between an east-sider and a west-sider. | You know there is a distinct difference between a big guy and a little guy. |