The McCarty Metro

Still Under The Basement Steps 


You Can Be Considered
A Detroiter If...

You Can Be Considered
A True McCarty If...

You took a "moonlight cruise" to Bob-Lo with Captain Bob-Lo or went to Edgewater Park.

You once pulled a dead body out of Lake St. Clair
You remember the big stove that was on Jefferson Ave. at the entrance to Belle Isle.You found your Easter basket in your mothers stove
You shopped at Hughes & Hatcher, B Siegel, Peck and Peck, Robert Hall, Crowley's, Shoppers Fair, EJ Korvettes or Federals.You shopped at the Swank Shop, and got your treats from Whiteys, Happy Jacks, or Jim Dandys, 
You rode the elevator at J. L. Hudson's, which was "run" by an elevator operator.You slid down the basement steps in a clothes basket
You remember a Winkleman's and Sanders store in your neighborhood.You remember Cokie, Babs, Cindy, Rex and Fanny in your neighborhood
You remember the "Big Snow", Buffalo Bob, Howdy Doody, & Calarabell.You remember "3-Wood" on Bowling for Dollars
You remember Twin Pines Dairy delivered milk and juice to the chute on the side of your house and Milky the Clown performed magic with the magic words "Twin Pines".You rode on a milk truck with Uncle LeRoy, or you heard bottles clanking in the trunk of your car which forces you to say "Oh my God, the car's wrecked!"
You remember the Good Humor man wearing white, ringing the bells down your street.You remember Larry running away from a news customer who just wanted to pay him.
You remember Olympia Stadium. You remember when Vernors was made on Woodward Ave. and a bearded troll was on the bottle.You remember Coyle Park. You remember Tico pop, and the unidentified sticky goop on the bottles. You remember Chucky Brown's Coke-rotted teeth.
Your Mom got groceries at Great Scott, Food Fair, Wrigley's or Chatham.Your Dad got groceries at Great Scott, Food Fair, Wrigley's or Chatham.
Your Mom save Holden Red Stamps, S&H Green stamps, or Gold Bell Gift stamps, and you licked them into those little books. Kresge's and Woolworth's were Dime Stores".Your Dad save stamps off Chesterfield cigarettes packages. You remember Kaye Schultz wondering how much that doggie in the window was.
You had an uncle in the furniture business (Joshua Door).You had a drunk next-door neighbor in the garbage business (Baggard Maggard)
You know who Bill Kennedy is.You know what Strat-o-Matic Baseball is
You saw the Detroit Lions play football in Briggs Stadium.You saw Rick wrestle as the Sheik at Coyle Park.
You remember Black Bart and the Faygo song. Or how about "Which way did he go? He went for Faygo, old fashion root bear".You remember the Mac & The Lost Cause, The McCarty 3, The Cockroaches, and the Styrofoam song.
You watched Rita Bell in the morning.You watched the Ghoul at night
You remember Jack LeGoff and Van Patrick.You remember Red Head Diane & Mrs Papler
You remember Milky the Clown, Soupy Sales, Johnny Ginger, Poopdeck Paul, Captain Jolly, and maybe even the Sargent Sakto Salute.You remember DJ on TV, first with Poop Deck Paul, and then arguing with George "the animal" Steele on Big Time Wrestling
You visited the Wonder Bread Bakery and got to take home a mini load of bread.You visited the Zoo, ran down hills, and counted garbage cans
Your phone number was LAkeview, or VErmont and you had a party line you could listen too.You didn't use the phone. You walked to your friends house and shouted their first name in a 2-syllable format until they came out
You remember "Get on the right track at 9 mile and Mack, to get the best deal in town. Roy O'Brian.. it's the best deal in town".The best deal in town was free street showers and trading baseball cards
Your laundry chute and a milk chute and a coal chute.You hid snow balls in the milk chute for a snowball fight
You remember going to Detroit Edison with your Mom to exchange burned out light bulbs for new ones.You remember Dad tossing out a burning Christmas tree with Neil MacDonald on the porch
You are very familiar with the nicknames "The Motor City", "Colemans Crap Hole" or "The Murder City"You are very familiar with the nicknames Mako, Dudley, Racko, Chip, LaCoot, Tabo, Jabo or Steve-a-Reeno.
You know there is a distinct difference between an east-sider and a west-sider.You know there is a distinct difference between a big guy and a little guy.

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