
Happy Birthday Dad

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 Memories Of Dad

From Mike...

Dad in the kitchen.

  • I wonder what the poor people are eating.
  • Hooo-weee
  • Plop. (the sound of mashed potatoes from Dad's finger hitting the plate.)

Dad's riot-ous advice to Mike's thick head:

  • "I don't want you going down there." (a directive from Dad on the first day of the '67 Detroit Riots.)
  • "C'mon, just a little closer." (Wally, urging me to drive my Red Corvair toward a burning building on Grand River Avenue during the second day of the riots.)
  • Screeeeeech. (the sound of my brakes skidding over broken glass on a side street off Grand River, stopping just in time to avoid hitting a guy running with a case of Faygo pop from a burning corner store.)
  • "If we don't get killed here, I'm gonna get killed when I get home." (Me to Wally as we drove over more glass, looking for an exit.)
  • "Whew!" (When I wasn't killed at home. Thanks, Dad.)

Trips with Dad and Mom:

  • Rolling down hills. (They watched, we rolled.)
  • The Detroit Zoo. (Hats with feathers)
  • Irish Hills (Everybody walks sideways because a meteor landed there, or something.)
  • Police Field Day at Brigg's Stadium. (Make sure your denture cream is tough if you're twirling by your teeth high above the stadium.)
  • Police Field Day at Edgewater Park. (Corn on the cob and the Wild Mouse, hooo-weee.)

Dad's reaction to many things I did:

  • "Michael, Michael, Michael."

 More Memories...
From Kelly...

I have thought so much about Dad in the last week. Some of my fond lines and memories...

  • Mike! Guess who died? KAREN
  • This dinner would cost $3.95 in a restaurant (a compliment)
  • You gotta clean those bones! (Just before he would grab an eaten pork chop or spare rib off your plate and chew off the gristle)
  • I will always remember his hearty laugh. When he told a joke, he would repeat the punch-line at least 3 times, and then laugh so hard, he would start to cough.
  • I will always remember one of the last things he said to me, and that was "Don't Change". I think Dad saw something in me that he thought was special and he didn't want me to lose it. (I hope I haven't changed Dad.)

From Jerry...


April 4th is my Dad’s Birthday. Here’s to the greatest man I ever knew. Look at these accomplishments. Not too bad for a kid from St. Elizabeth’s

1. Fought in World War II
2. Served at a Detroit Policeman for 25 years
3. Raised 8 Great Kids
4. Loved His Wife
5. And…..Never bragged about any of it !!

Happy Birthday Dad!

From Gary Davis - Friend of Steve McCarty

There was never a time that I walked into the McCarty home on Goldridge that Mr. McCarty wasn't sitting in his chair.  His first words were always "Hi Gary" with a hand up waving.  "There's plenty of food in the fridge" he would say.

More From Jer...

Three Famous Small Mistakes by Dad

  • Brushing his teeth with Brylcream.
  • Mistaking the Gravy in the Breakfast Buffet for Oatmeal?  (I'm just gonna sprinkle a little cinamon on there)
  • Taking the hinge pins off Junior Oglinski's Dad's Screen Door. (Don't ask, it's a long story)

 Add Your Memories

Do you have a special memory of Robert McCarty that you would like to share? It's not too late, e-mail me your memories, or fill out the form below and submit it. I will update this page as needed, and send out e-mail updates to inform our subscribers. Want to join the free e-mail updates, fill out the form at the top left-had side of the page.

