Summer 2003

A McCarty Summer

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 Relive The Past
Summertime Trivia:

1.  Name the park where the fireworks display exploded on the ground?
2.  What was found on the window ledge in the cottage at Lake Huron?
3.  What was the #1 souvenir purchased at the zoo?
4.  What game was played on Sunday nights riding home in the car after getting an ice cream cone?
5. A homer at Coyle Park to left field was over the fence. What was it to center and right fields? 

Ahh ... 10 things that say "summer"

* Dennis diving head first into a 3' pool
* Stepping on rotten cherries getting to that 3' pool
* Wondering why do a chlorine test when you can't even see the bottom of the pool
* Rick giving swimming lessons in a 3' pool
* Warm water
* Moving away from the warm water
* Camping out in the backyard
* Sneaking back into the house due to heavy dew
* Mosquito chasers
* Off

Mike McCarty's Top Ten Cherry Picking Sayings

10.  All cherries are good except for the bad ones
  9.  This job is the pits
  8.  Stem cherries are good
  7.  A cherry a day keeps the doctor away
  6.  O.K. ... maybe he only had 4 sayings

Trivia Answers:
1. Ford Field
2. Part of a Hot Dog
3. Hat with a feather (squeeze lobster was a biggie also)
4. Counting trash cans
5. Cheese Castle and the Sidewalk.


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