| . |  | | Well it’s summertime, and that means those little McCarty Grandbrats will be out of school and bothering their parents by hanging around the house. Just thinking about those summer slackers makes me hotter than the vinyl seats in my Dad’s station wagon. These kids today have it way easier than we did. You can bet those little McCarty Grandbrats will be complaining about the heat all summer long. “Oh it’s too hot outside, I think I will lay down in my air conditioned house and watch cable television”, Fiddle Foey!! When I was a kid we played outside everyday no matter how hot it was. We had to, because it was hotter than an oven in that house we lived in. And when it was really hot, we had a crappy fan that my Mom would turn on to blow hot air on us. Sure we were a sweaty clump of kids huddled around an electric fan, but we didn’t care, we loved it. Because if you talked into the fan, it made your voice sound funny. And these kids nowadays with their skateboards and rollerblades think they are so cool because they like extreme sports. When I was a kid, if we wanted a thrill, we would go to the park and go down the slide sitting on a piece of wax paper. We’d fly down that slide going faster than a rocket and then when we were done we’d watch as some unsuspecting little kid would fly down the slide and land about 20 yards from the bottom. Sure there were lots of injuries, but we didn’t care we loved it!! Because we had a need for speed. And these kids nowadays have to stay cool by going to water parks, going on water rides, or going in a swimming pool. When I was a kid, all we could do to get relief from the heat was run through our sprinkler. We looked like idiots prancing through the sprinkler on our front lawn, but we didn’t care, it kept us cool! And sometimes, the park director at Coyle Park would open up the fire hydrant and we would have Street Showers! We would have high pressure water squirting out of the hydrant flooding the streets while fire fighters across the city were forced to respond to building fires with a trickle of water coming from their hoses. So if those little McCarty Grandbrats come to you and tell you they are hot and bored and don’t know what to do this summer, just tell’em to hold a piece of wax paper on their butt and run through the sprinkler. Have a great summer!!! |