Mike McCarty worked in the Detroit area at: - Uncle Leroy’s milk route (Tried to shove one too many half-gallons of homo into a milk chute before 6 a.m.)
- Henry Ford Museum (Met Karen, flipped hamburgers and once emptied boiling grease from the french fry machine
into a plastic bucket.) - Detroit Pump Co. (Smashed a finger between a pump and a metal beam.
Karen McCarty put in summer hours at: - An egg route in Dearborn (Delivered eggs with brother Bob while pulling a red wagon. The Hasse kids were about 10 or 12 years old, the eggs they sold were younger.)
- Henry Ford Museum (Met Mike, took menu orders from customers at Coffee Shop and Museum Stand. )
- Dearborn Inn (Graduated to waitress, and once waited on Vic Damone, the Lettermen and Mel Torme.)
Kelly McCarty spent time during the summer: - Served as president of the Banana Splits Club (invented the peeling thumbs handshake)
- Sold newspapers at Grace Hospital with Jerry & DJ (let's see... DJ is dead, I have MS, Hey Jer!!! How are YOU feeling?
- Cut Donna Radke's lawn (got some ice tea out of the deal, and I was able to keep an eye on Valerie next door (She was developing nicely))
Kathlene McCarty chips in: Maritz Market Research (Called hundreds of Americans during the dinner hours to ask their opinions on cars. Was told to say it was "an independent survey for the automobile industry as a whole" although it was paid for by GM.) Hardee's of Roseville (Served lots of cups of ice to Gratiot Cruisers in the summer of 1981.)