Summer 2003


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Dan McCarty Golf Classic - August 9

… and the weather

 “… if I were you, I’d keep playin.’ I don’t think the really heavy stuff’s comin’ down for quite a while.”

… and religion

“Hail Mary, full of grace, get this ball in its proper place.”
SISTER DOROTHY EDERER (Grand Rapids Dominican nun, relating her prayer for tough putts)

“The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.”
BILLY GRAHAM (evangelist )

… and playing tips

“Never bet with anyone you meet on the first tee who has a deep suntan, a one-iron and squinty eyes.”
DAVE MARR (PGA golfer )

“Be the ball, Danny.”
TY WEBB (CHEVY CHASE) “Caddyshack”

“You gotta rise above it, you gotta harvest the good energy and block out the bad. Harvest energy, block bad. Feel the flow, feel it, it's circular. Its like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse, and you go up and down and around ... in a circular circle with the music, the flow, all good things.”
- GARY POTTER (Happy Gilmore)


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L.C. Productions of Tenn.

Jean’s Travel

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Brad Savage &
  The Cockroaches


 Basement venues to be announced.

Watch this space.

 A Paul Stevens Production

Mike’s Mercury-mobiles

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Saudi Sand & Gravel


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