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DJ Stories |
With the 7th Annual Dan McCarty Golf Classic coming up August 10, many of the classic DJ stories will be shared on the golf course. This is your chance to share your favorite DJ story with our readers. Fill in the form and submit it. This page will be updated daily, so check back to see yours and others memories of Dan.
Submitted Stories I think that of all the DJ Stories that constantly float around the vast space between my ears, my favorite would have to be as follows (as it is my first): DJ was a chaperone on our 6th grade trip to Boblo. As we sailed to our destination Walt Jankowski pointed out that one of the 95 year old deck chairs was broken. DJ immediately (without any apparent planning) engaged us all in a lesson on how to treat the Detroit River. DJ launched that chair every bit of 50 feet overboard, narrowly missing at least 3 flying rats. At that point all of Ebeling's 1978 class of 6th graders fully understood one of the many benefits of living in the Great Lakes State. To me, DJ was a great brother and friend. My most vivid memory was on a rainy Sunday, Mom told DJ to pick me up from JC Penney at Lakeside Mall where I worked. Lakeside was a brand new mall, and we only live 1 mile away, but the field I normally walked crossed to come home was muddy. Being in the mid 1970's, Hall Road was was just a 2 lane road, Schoenherr was also 2 lanes, and on a Sunday at closing time, traffic around Lakeside was terrible. Well, DJ was NOT in a good mood to begin with, and he just sneered at me as I came out to the car all smiles, wearing my brand new JC Penney Quad Suit ( the suit with like 567 different combinations). Stuck in traffic just trying to get out to Schoenherr, I mentioned that it might not be a bad idea just to cut across the field which I would normally walk (we could actually see our house from there). Well, anyway, we got about 100 yards and DJ's car got stuck in the mud. At this time, he was about ready to kill me, so he made me get out to push. We got the car out after about 45 minutes, and my Quad suit was covered in mud (thank God for polyester wash and wear). When we got home, DJ stomped into the house and I stayed outside and washed his car. When he looked out the window and saw me washing his car in my muddy, powder blue suit, he came out and helped. We actually couldn't stop laughing the whole time we were doing it. DJ was playing left field for the "McCarthy" softball team at Heilman Field in Detroit and had his back facing home plate. The umpire called "time-out" and hollered "Hey leftfield - turn around." DJ looked over his shoulder and yelled back, "Hey, do you mind ... I'm trying to take a leak out here." DJ helped Karen and me to raise our kids. He was godfather to our son Andy. When Andy was 2 or 3, DJ asked Mom to ask Karen if he could get Andy some toy guns for Christmas. When Mom said Karen balked, DJ replied: "Do you want him to be a wimp?" That Christmas, DJ gave Andy toy guns, anyway, in a Western set. EPILOGUE: Today, Andy is a police officer in Baltimore, Md. When our daughter Jill was 3 or 4, she went through a phase where she called me "Mike." This didn't sit well with DJ. When he played Santa at Christmas, he came to Jill and said: "No presents for little girls who call their dad "Mike." Then Santa Dan gave her presents, anyway. EPILOGUE: Today, Jill calls me "Mike" and she gets presents. DJ and Jerry were coaching the St. Isadore's "Haverhill" team, with Steve, Jim, Walt, Matt, et al. Seems that one of the opposing coaches liked to measure the bases at fields he visited, so one game at his field, DJ and Jerry measured his bases, and then paraded our team around the bases to the tune of "Boom Shakalaka". Nothing like putting things in perspective! One Michigan winter, Kelly's Nova slid off the road at the end of Haverhill and got hung up on the curb and in a huge snow drift. DJ and I drove down in my Vega to help get Kelly's car out. We tried pushing the car with no success, so DJ told me to use the shovel to dig out around the back tire. While I was digging out the snow, DJ told Kelly to put it in reverse as he pushed backward. The rear tire caught the shovel, yanked it from my hands and the handle flew back hitting me in the head and knocking me down into the snowdrift. DJ looked up and yelled at me, "No wonder we can't get this car out ... you're laying down while I'm doing all the work!" As I staggered to my feet, DJ learned very soon that the Vega makes an excellent battering ram to knock Novas out of snowdrifts. DJ and I used to go to the East Warren Lounge in the early 80's for dancing and picking up women. While there, we met two girls who asked us to come and sit with them. After they ordered expensive drinks (Which was anything but a beer to DJ), they went to the dance floor to dance with each other and left us watching their purses. While watching them, DJ's temper kicked in and he convinced me to join him in going through their purses for money. We got about $60 from their wallets and spent the rest of the night buying them drinks with their own money. DJ visited my house in Los Angeles in the aftermath of the OJ Simpson Trial and wanted a tour of the OJ crime scene. We reenacted the crime on a Sunday evening by starting out at the Mezzaluna restaurant where OJ had dinner and then went to OJ's House, Nicole's House, and back to OJ's House and took photographs at each point in the reenactment. Upon our return to OJ's house, DJ wanted to get a picture of himself pushing the intercom button (like the limo driver did). As I took the picture, I saw a very large black man rise over the wall at the Rockingham house and say "Don't even think about pressing the Buzzer". DJ backed up for a second and the guy disappeared. Then in true DJ form, he started pressing the intercom and shouting into it, "What are you yelling at me for? I didn't kill anybody. Can OJ say that? I'll press this thing as much as I want." Then we hopped in my convertible and quickly drove away. I have so many DJ stories, in fact, I seem to recall a new one everyday, and more often than not, I have to laugh. Every time I think I am taking a shortcut, it ends up taking a lot longer - this is always referred to as a "Danny Long Cut". My favorite was when DJ got a ticket with me and my Mom inside the old quarter car wash south of Hall road off Van Dyke, when he cut through it to avoid the traffic light. DJ driving stories - making anyone in the passenger seat get out to pick up a returnable can (often times in the middle of traffic). Having his horn on a toggle switch so he could just leave it on for the idiots driving by us. Ping pong balls in case you need to throw something... Hell, he was the father of road rage! Fixing any part of your exhaust system with two u-clamps and an empty can of soup (or tuna fish if it was a small repair). Auctioning off his Firebird rather than selling it... etc. DJ is the greatest and man do I miss him, but I got to admit, he left me with a ton of great memories. I love you man! |
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McCarty Metro - 9323 Sussex - Detroit, MI 48228 (313) 838-9470
Web Site Created By Kelly McCarty