You're A True Detroiter If... |
Many people claim to be from Detroit, and many more deny their roots totally.
If you remember more than 75% of these, you are a "TRUE" Detroiter
You're a true Detroiter if...
- You ever played in the "Big Ditch" as I-94 was being built.
- You took a "moonlight cruise" to Bob-Lo with Captain Bob-Lo or took the bus to Edgewater Amusement Park.
- You remember cheering from one end of the tunnel to the other while going to Belle Isle.
- The big stove was on Jefferson Ave at the entrance to Belle Isle.
- You rented bikes or rode horses or the horse drawn carriages on Belle Isle.
- Golfed after dark at the lighted Belle Isle par three course.
- You shopped at Hughes and Hatcher, B. Siegel, Peck and Peck, Himelhoch's, Federal's, or Berlin's.
- The "Street Cars" ran on tracks down the center of Gratiot. The "car barns" were at Gratiot and Harper and the turntable was called the "Ca-ga-looop."
- You've ever played on the escalator at J. L. Hudson's downtown. You rode the elevator, which was "run" by an elevator operator.
- You remember when Eastland and Northland were NEW and not enclosed malls.
- You remember any mayors other than Young and Archer and you know who Cobo was.
- You remember what you were doing when you got word there was a "riot" going on.
- You remember a Winkleman's store in your neighborhood.
- You thought driving to Southfield, was going "out to the country."
- You remember the mineral bath smell of Mt. Clemens.
- You remember the "Big Snow."
- Buffalo Bob, Howdy Doody, Clarabell, Phineas T. Bluster, Princess
- You remember hearing "Michigan Michigan Berries... 2 Quarts For A Dollar"
- Plunk your magic twanger, froggy.
- You remember Twin Pines Dairy delivered milk and juice to the chute on the side of your house..... and Milky the Clown performed magic with the magic words "Twin Pines."
- You remember! the Good Humor man in a white uniform, ringing the bells and riding down your street.
- You saw Marvin Gaye (or The Beatles) sing at the Olympia Stadium or the Twenty Grand Lounge.
- Sock Hops at Notre Dame High School with Stevie Wonder and Father "Hollywood" Bryson.
- You remember Olympia Stadium.
- Waterford was where your neighbors cottage was.
- You remember when Vernor's was made on Woodward and the bearded troll was on the bottle.
- You drank Towne Club pop (or Grilli's or Oh-So or Atlas).
- You bought groceries at Big Bear, Great Scott, Lipson's, Dixfield's, National or Chatham's.
- Your Mom saved Holden Red Stamps, H&S Green Stamps or Gold Bell Stamps.
- Kresge's and Woolworth's were "DIME STORES."
- Your school took a bus trip to "the cider mill" and had donuts and cider after the tour.
- Your school took a bus trip to Kellogg's in Battle Creek.
- You had an Uncle in the furniture business (Joshua Doore).
- You know who Bill Kennedy was.
- You shopped at Arlans, Shopper's Fair, Federals, Korvettes.
- You remember this telephone number: Tyler 8-7100 (Belvedere Construction) and the slogan "We do good work."
- Your phone number may have started with Tyler, Kenwood, Diamond, Trinity, Tuxedo, Twinbrook, Melrose, Madison, Townsend, Plaza, Olive, Vermont, Walnut or Cadillac.
- You saw the Detroit Lions play football in Tiger Stadium.
- You remember this phrase "suga is suga and salt is salt, if you didn't get off it's not my fault."
- You shopped at Crowley's.
- You remember Black Bart, and the Faygo pop song being sung on the Bob-Lo boat. Or how about, "Which way did he go? Which way did he go?"
- You watched Rita Bell's Prize Movie.
- You know who Sonny Elliot is. Do you remember him using the chalk on a map of Michigan? Or holding snakes at the Children's zoo on Belle Isle?
- You remember Jac LeGoff and Van Patrick.
- You remember Soupy Sales, Johnny Ginger, The Friendly Giant, Uncle Bob, Poopdeck Paul and Captain Jolly.
- You visited the Wonder Bread Bakery and got to take home a mini loaf of bread.
- You have a picture of yourself sitting on the pony that seemed to make it down everyone's street.
- Your city "Zone" was only one or two digits - Detroit 19, Michigan (repaced by Zip Codes)
- You had a (Shaffer's) breadman and a (Brickley's) milkman.
- You remember "Get on the right track, to 9 Mile and Mack. To get the best deal in town. At Roy O' Brien......"
- You remember the PURE and GULF gas stations. The "Gas Wars."
- Your house had a laundry chute and a milk chute.
- You remember Primo's Pizza, The Red Barn, Powers, Henry's, Top Hat, Herc's Beef Buffet, Big Boy's Drive-In, and Tom's Tavern.
- You attended a wedding reception or a banquet at Roma Hall.
- You banked at Detroit Bank & Trust.
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McCarty Metro - 9323 Sussex - Detroit, MI 48228 (313) 838-9470
Web Site Created By Kelly McCarty