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Mike's Turn Match the famous line with the McCarty who said it? answers at the bottom | 1. Omigosh, the car's wrecked! 2. All cherries are good except for the bad ones. 3. I'm Brad Savage. 4. I'm madder than a ___ in a ___ over these McCarty grandbrats. (words in blanks change from time to time) 5. Man, this is livin'! 6. My knees are killin' me 7. Say blood, cut me some slack. 8. Kelly, you're my hero 9. Say honest to God 10. Officer. I didn't think my Vega could go 100 mph 11. You know Mom, I look great in this cowboy outfit! 12. Weeeeeeee 13. What do you mean I can't drum? | A. Jerry McCarty B. Kelly McCarty C. Dennis McCarty D. Steve McCarty E. Rick McCarty F Dan McCarty G Bob McCarty H. Larry McCarty I. Mike McCarty J. Jean McCarty |
Top Ten Places To Hide An Easter Basket So, get ready to cry: 10. Behind the couch 9. In the dryer 8. In the washer 7. By the Star magazines 6. Behind the drapes 5. In the player piano (this is a hiding place way in the past) 4. Behind the organ 3. Under the sink And, the No. 1 place, guaranteed to reduce a kid to tears, is ... it's a tie: 1. In the dirty basket 1. In the toilet tank

Answers to matching quiz 1-C / 2-I / 3-B / 4-A / 5-G / 6- B,E,A,J / 7-F / 8-A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J / 10-H / 11-D / 12-F / 13-E,H Click Here To Turn The Page Web Site Created And Maintained by Kelly McCarty |