Steve McCarty

With the Christmas season approaching, it will again be time to conduct the annual fixed McCarty name draw. Jerry gets Kelly, Dennis gets Rick, Carla gets Kristen, Mike gets Karen, and so on. To eliminate any gift confusion, here is a list of suggested gift items that all fit under the 1998 gift cap adjusted for inflation - $5.00.

MikeAutographed Gordie Howe puck to use in street hockey with his formerly one piece autographed stick.
KarenFondue set or Hi-C
.Book of 101 things to do with a camel
RickPictures of Dennis doing 101 things with a camel
LarryJanet Reno fan club membership and a pixie stick
CarlaLine dancing for both country and western
KellyPicture of Brad Savage
MargaretPicture of Brad Pitt
JerrySack of White Castles and an orange pop
SteveTens and twenties, unmarked bills
KristenPickles, pickles, pickles


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