Dear Editor. Does the Metro have any used-car ads? I lost another Mercury recently, and have been walking to work. I am open to any car, whether or not it has an anchor. -Your bro ED NOTE: Michael, Michael, Michael! You just keep on adding chapters to that book you are writing, aren't you? |
Kudos to Daniel Ziemba for the George Ford School story and photos in the February Metro. A sad event, but the Metro page triggered a lot of memories among George Ford classmates. Thanks Daniel. And thanks to you, Kelly, for running it. -Geo. Ford alum Mike McCarty ED NOTE: I can't imagine what could possibly be running through the old Sus-Comb minds other than getting swirlies, wedgies, and the occasional Indian burns.
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. Hey Ed, I got stuck mopping up the bathroom at Morton's after you were in there. What other places have you puked in? -Pablo the Busboy ED NOTE: I told my brother that I wasn't feeling well. It's wasn't fun to have the flu bug while visiting them. Since there were no camera's, I don't need to admit to anything. I was told by my CA brother that he did have a microphone in the mini-Gatorade bottle he gave me, and you might be able to hear something in the background. Hey Editor... There are other correct answers to the February Quick Puzzles. You had a question #1. Write down a mathematical expression, having a value of 24, which uses three equal digits, none of them being 8. Your answer was 22+2. It could also be (3^3)-3. On question #2. Add the figure 2 to 191 and make the answer less than 20, you had 19 1/2. I came up with 2/191 is less than 20. My kids Xy(15) & Linus(12) (Ziemba brats) found even more answers to Quick Puzzles number 1. 24=23+(23/23), 24=24^(24/24), 24=25-(25/25), 24=24*log(base 24) of 24, 24=24^(log(base24)of24). Anyone want to help them with their homework? After hearing their answers I accused them of identity theft. If you just said, "Huh?" that's a pun on mathematical identities. -Daniel Ziemba ED NOTE: HUH?!?! It sounds logical. Either of them know where the next Star Trek convention is???
I notice that there are always pictures of gambling on your website. You guys bet on Poker, Golf, and the Superbowl. I think you've got a problem. I bet I can help you. -Janet Jones Gretzky ED NOTE: That's OK Jan... We don't need Tocchet. We already have our own hockey bookie. He is a former goalie. To protect his identity, we had him don his old mask, and we call him by his code name. Mike-O. Thanks anyway. Thanks for all the quotes from my Dad. I thought I would give you one from after the Alzheimer's had set in. It is a quote I will always remember. "Mommy, I think I went do do in my drawers" Good times, -Ron Reagan Jr. ED NOTE: Alzheimer's is a very cruel disease that has hit close to home not only for me, but thousands of families in the world. I hope and pray that a cure can be found. I know Ron & Julian are arguing politics up in heaven as we speak.
Dear Editor. I know that it doesn't mean much, coming from one, measly subscriber, but I very much look forward to each and every, painstaking edition of the McCarty Metro. I find that every issue has its own, special identity, look and feel. Your on-line issues, I feel are pretty much the only things that distinguish us, as a society from the lower forms of animals; or those cuter, more personable chimps and orangutans. When you factor in the price of oil, the crisis overseas, the near total breakdown of morals and decency we are faced with, each and every day; it sure is nice to have one thing that I can ALWAYS count on to bring joy to my humdrum life - The good 'ol Metro! Why just last month I can still recall, sitting at my keyboard by the roaring fire, with my cup of hot chocolate and slippers as I fired up my trusty old computer. Listening to the soothing, electric hum of my monitor while I clicked the familiar link that takes me away to the McCarty Metro Online... Ahuuummmm... Never mind. -Raiff ED NOTE: I thank you, Peanut thanks you, but Jocko wants a piece of you since you lumped orangutans in with his specie.
Hi, Are you related to Jacob McCarty of Tennessee and Mississippi? I am trying to research my family (Jacob is my 4x's great grandfather) From what I understand he came to Tennessee from North Carolina in the late 1700's. He lived in Robertson County, where his home was the scene of the first court meeting of the Robertson County Court held on July 18, 1798. His daughter married James Tagert and both families became prominent in the histories of Montgomery County and both signed a petition to form the county of Stewart from parts of Houston, and Montgomery Counties. Jacob McCarty owned lots of acreage that he received as bounty from North Carolina and bought from other soldier land owners. He died in Stewart County. James Tagert was a surveyor, Boundry Commissioner, and Justice in Stewart County. He also founded the City of Bowling Green, TN. which was later changed to Cumberland City because of another city close by with the same name in Kentucky. After Jacob died James and Sarah McCarty Tagert moved to Old Springhill, AL. where James became a representative for 2nd Legislature Session of Washington Co. until his death in 1826. Jacob McCarty's sons moved to Mississippi, at least some did. Does any of this sound familiar? If this strikes a chord with you or is part of your family history, I would love to correspond with you, as well as Babbett, a Tagert relative who is working on getting everyone listed in our pedigree. We are also trying to plan a family reunion for 2007 hopefully, barring another big hurricane which messed up our plans for this year. Thank you for your time and consideration, God bless you, -Frances Babb ED NOTE: Sorry, no relation, but I appreciate the e-mail.