McCarty Metro Awards - McCarty Metro Awards - McCarty Metro Awards - McCarty Metro Awards

The McCarty Metro Awards

This is the first annual McCarty Metro Awards presented to the outstanding efforts of our crew under the basement steps. The coveted M&M Awards were voted on in February by our readers. There were 94 votes cast. The winners were decided by popular vote.

Thank you to all of our writers whether nominated or not. Keep those articles coming in every month. Thank you also to all of our readers who took the time to vote.



Best Re-Occuring Article In The McCarty Metro
(minimum 3 articles)

The Nominees Are:

Jerry's World (Jerry McCarty)
Final Thought (Kelly McCarty)
Bluegrass Page (Mike McCarty)
Mixology (Chrissy Spafford)

And The M&M Goes To...

Best Re-Occuring Feature In The McCarty Metro
(minimum 3 features)

The Nominees Are:

Peanut & Jocko (Jerry & Kathlene McCarty)
Sound Off (Kelly McCarty)
Family Phun Page (Kelly McCarty)
Quiz (Kelly McCarty)

And The M&M Goes To...

Best Writer

The Nominees Are:

Jerry McCarty
Kelly McCarty
Mike McCarty
Chrissy Spafford

And The M&M Goes To...

Metro Event Of The Year

The Nominees Are:

Cockroach Reunion
Jenna Baptism
Erin & Scott Wedding

And The M&M Goes To...

The McCarty Metro
9323 Sussex
Detroit, MI 48228

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