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Jerry's World
Home Remedy

A 2004 DMGC Story

Peanut & Jocko

April Update
Iraq Sandstorm

Unknown Soldier

Remembering 9/11


Recipe Exchange


My Final Thought


Although we are still under the basement steps, and the web address is still, some major changes that can only add to the Metro viewing experience has taken place quite quietly this past month.

Thanks to the technical help and financing of Bob Balch and Jim Matczak, the McCarty Metro has been renewed for another year, and on a new server. The new services offer the same reliability, but now can offer some more features. Right now, you can get your own email address.

Get An E-Mail Address

Your Name:
Valid E-Mail Address:

Upon approval, you will be emailed your new McCarty Metro address, password, and instructions on use.

Gas Prices For Your AreaCool Link Of The Month

How Long Will You Live?

Longevity Game
Be honest with your answers

When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her some place expensive... So I took her to a gas station!!!!!!!

Quick Puzzles (bet you don't know them)Mini Ha Ha
Using the words DROVES and NEWS write seven words using each letter once.
The Answers

George Washington's wife was sweeping when George Washington's wife slipped and got wet. How many w's in all?
The Answer

One snowy night, Sherlock Holmes was in his house sitting by a fire. All of a sudden a snowball came crashing through his window, breaking it. Holmes got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were John Crimson, Mark Crimson and Paul Crimson. The next day Holmes got a note on his door that read "? Crimson. He broke your window." Which of the three Crimson brothers should Sherlock Holmes question about the incident?
The Answer

Why Men Shouldn't Take Messages

This Month's Trivia ContestMcCarty Metro Flash Central
May Question...

What are the lakes that are referred to in the 'Los Angeles Lakers'?

Your Name:
To enjoy these items each month, make sure you have Flash installed on your computer. Don't have it? Download here.

Metro Suggestions

As an American, Veteran, and Senior Citizen, I think it would be appropriate to put the "Red Skelton" Pledge of Allegiance on the Metro. The Pledge can be found at Happy Trails! -Jerry Richards

Last Month's results on the April Update page

This Month's Caption Contest
Optical Illusion


Do you see gray circles at the intersections?
They are not really there

Write A Caption For This Picture...


McCarty Metro Chat Room
The McCarty Metro Chat Room is open 24/7.


We have a family & friends chat
every Sunday at 9:30pm EST

Are You Cool?
A Scientific Test To See If You Are Cool

Revolving Bill Board

Metro Sound Off - Letters To The Editor

 Kelly, I never did like you! - Jerome Klotz

Another great issue K! I really liked the layout and use of spring colors on the borders, etc. Now if you could just get rid of the weird drunk guy leering at me while I tried to read, I would still be able to sleep at night.

ED NOTE: Speaking of sleep, you may not want to at Gull Lake because something very very bad might happen to you.
I have coupons for 13 weeks of the McCarthy Metro at 35 cents off. Please give me a subscription for 13 weeks. And then I will cancel. Also, put the paper in the side door. And don't slam it shut. I I keep an ample supply of change in my Grandpa change purse, so don't expect a tip. 
-Mr. Skeeba
ED NOTE: When delivering, Is it OK if I cut over your lawn... IN MY CAR!!!?

Why Not Sound Off To The Metro


Dear Sir, Please cancel my subscription to the McCarty Metro. I am disappointed that I could not get into the McCarty Metro Chat room tonight. I was all set for a stimulating exchange with Ralph Montgomery. Instead I had to spend my evening updating my blog. Check it out at
Hollyood McCarty
ED NOTE: I am sorry that the chat room was down that night, but I understand that the Instant Messaging Services was overloading that night. You and Ralphie got something goin on?

To da editor: Hey, ya gotta good Web site, eh. But my nose is outta joint after I saw dat picture of a Michigan mitten in da May Metro. Hey, ya troll, did ya forget we gotta Upper Peninsula, too? You betcha, eh.
-Eino Calumet
ED NOTE: Sorry Eino, it won't happen again. Why don't you cool off with a dip in Lake Urine

After reading the voluminous April issue cover to cover, I just have one question: Do any of you McCarty's have time to WORK? Tremendous effort. By the way, I linked to the aerial photo site, and spent the better part of a week punching in addresses to see if my old Detroit stomping grounds were still around.
-Diann Matz
ED NOTE: Yes, I have plenty of time to work... I just have no LIFE!

Hi Kelly, Last month, your web site mentioned my Father Joe Zisler. I am originally from Detroit. Please let me know what the connection is. My Father was a Homicide detective for the Detroit Police department. He retired in 1974. That is when we moved out of Detroit to Cincinnati, Ohio. He was also a WW2 vet. My Dad passed away in 1991, and my Mother passed about four months ago. I miss them very much they were surely the greatest generation.
Thanks, Joseph R. Zisler
ED NOTE: Not only were they part of the greatest generation, but they were Detroit's (and our) Finest!

Metro Instant Message

New Book Releases:

'How to Write Big Books' by Warren Peace
'The Lion Attacked' by Claude Yarmoff
'Songs for Children' by Barbara Blacksheep
'Irish Heart Surgery' by Angie O'Plasty
'Desert Crossing' by I. Rhoda Camel
'School Truancy' by Marcus Absent
'I Was a Cloakroom Attendant' by Mahatma Coate
'Positive Reinforcement' by Wade Ago
'Shhh! by Danielle Soloud
'The Philippine Post Office' by Imelda Letter
'Things to Do at a Party' by Bob Frapples
'Stop Arguing by Xavier Breath

Metro Saying

"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."

Our Family & Friends Affiliate SitesBored At The Office

While at the office, pour water in hand, make sneeze noise, throw water on back of person's neck:
(Amusement Potential: 5-15 minutes) 
Always a good gag. For an even bigger reaction out of the person, act like you're not sorry at all for what they think you did. Comment instead on how big that sneeze was or about how there was a lot of mucus in that one.

Add Your Link To Our F&F Affiliate Sites

Site Name:


Thank You To Our May Staff

Robert Balch
Gerry Bufalini
Jerome Klotz
Dennis McCarty
Jerry McCarty
Kathlene McCarty
Kelly McCarty
Kristen McCarty
Larry McCarty
Margaret McCarty
Mike McCarty
Steve McCarty
Millard Pickney
Todd Rammler
Denise Sidor

Joke Of The Month

Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride. With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car. Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Sally. "What's in the bag?" asked the old woman. Sally looked down at the brown bag and said, "It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband." The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two. Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said...

"Good trade."

Metro Archives

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2002| Apr | Jul | Dec |
2001| Apr | Jun | Sep | Nov |
1999| May |

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The McCarty Metro
9323 Sussex
Detroit, MI 48228

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Website Created & Maintained by Kelly McCarty

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