
Jerry's World




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June Events

Gull Lake 21 Recap

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Recipe X-Change

Mixology w/ Chrissy

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My Final Thought



June Questions
This is a quiz about common knowledge. No fair looking up the answers. Let's see who the most knowledgeable Metro reader is.

1. How many of Canada's provinces touch at least 1 of the Great Lakes?
2. How many states are there in the USA?
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?
5. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by them?
6. When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg?
7. How many matches are in a standard pack?
8. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?
9. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
11 Which way does a "no smoking" sign's slash run?
12. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
13. On which side of a women's blouse are the buttons?
14. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
15. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
16. How many sides does a stop sign have?
17. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
18. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
19. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
20. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?
21. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
22. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?
23. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord to slide them up and down?
24. On the back of a Canadian $1 coin, what is in the center?
25. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?

Your Name:

Last Month's Answers On The May Update Page

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