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Reader Poll / Feedback
We asked via e-mail to our subscribers, 2 questions. Here are the replies. Feel free to add your's to the list at the bottom of this page.
What was your favorite Christmas present of all time?
Kelly McCartySizzler's Racecar set with a Mr. Kelly's carwash.
Mike McCartyMy subscription to the McCarty Metro.
Bev VanWallegmMy favorite Christmas present of all time was a handmade baby quilt my Mom made for me before my first son, Jeremy was born 24 Christmas' ago.
Gwenda PerezI don't particularly remember any really fantastic Christmas presents, but I do remember one of the best gifts I ever received was for my birthday. My daughter got up and set up the table with candles, homemade cards, a home made cake and she saved her money and bought me three ceramic clowns.  Each one represented a part of my personality.  There was one that played softball, which is my favorite hobby.  There was one that was playing music and singing, another of my favorite past times.  I used to do musical theater and love it. The last one is standing tall with a huge smile enjoying the view of a beautiful sunny spring day. I love spring, smelling the flowers, basking in the bright sunlight, realizing everything is in full bloom;  and to see the way  light April May showers, cascade the essence of spring. I love the spring and early summer.  At that point in my l had never been giving a gift of such great thought.  I love clowns and not everyone I know realizes it.  But I truly do. It was the first gift I had ever received that showed me that someone really knew exactly what I enjoy and why. Wait!!! My daughter gave me a baseball with a radar for Christmas one year!!! That was fantastic too!!!
Larry WendtThigh master
Lynne RohdeA chemistry set! I was just talking to my son Justin about it the other day
Lance DeVousWhen I was about 7, we got a slot car track with those mini racers. It was Xmas eve and we stayed up till at least 3am playin' with it. Was pretty cool because my mom went to bed and me, my bro's and old man had a blast.
Jim SeelingA yellow Schwinn Sting Ray (complete with ape hangers and a banana seat).
Todd Rammler2 old Orange Moto-Ski snowmobiles on a trailer for me & my two brothers. 
Margaret McCartyMy Barbie doll at the age of 35! 
DiannMy own pair of white ice skates, so I didn't have to wear my brother's hand-me-down hockey skates any more.
Kristen McCartyA royal blue coat
Jean McCartyMy first piano that Bob bought me. It meant so much because we didn't even have a car, but he wanted me to have it.
Jerry McCartyMy favorite Christmas gift of all time was a Vertibird Helicopter that I broke Christmas Day. The good people at Grant's Department Store, exchanged it for me and said they would square up accounts with Santa Claus later.
Larry McCartyShoot Out at the OK Corral. It had a cowboy with a dart gun ... you pushed his arm down and it would draw at random and shoot at you, but you had to shoot it before it shot you.
Steve McCartyVertibird
What is your New Years' resolution?
Kelly McCartyBe a better husband, dad and friend. One more year of being able to walk. Sell this rag of a newspaper to a Japanese conglomerate for $1,000,00.00. Buy the Winnebago of my dreams. Win Gull Lake 22. Spend more time with the people I really care about.
Jerome KlotzTo win big in Vegas baby Vegas
Mike McCartyMy New Year's resolution is for world peace, a happy family and to bring Dennis home from Iraq now.
Bev VanWallegmGet healthy!
Gwenda PerezMy new years eve resolution... I am going to win the lottery!!! It may only be two dollars but I will win something. Of course it would help if I would bother to buy a ticket every once in a while. But I will win something in 2006. 
Larry WendtNew Year's resolution is... Get down to my ideal weight of 300 lbs.
Austin McCartyStop Smoking.
Lance DeVouxTo not make any more new years resolutions.
Denise SidorTo try to be less wasteful??? If there is such a word. Also, to rest and relax more. 
Jim SeelingTo not fool myself into thinking that I can change my bad habits by making
a goofy statement on a night that I will likely have been drinking.
Todd RammlerSame as every year. . . Floss More!
Margaret McCartyMy new year's resolution is to be a better person. To be the person my dog thinks I am. 
DiannNo speeding tickets all year long.
Kristen McCartyTo find a way to spend more time with family & friends.
Jerry McCartyMy New Year's Resolution for 2006 is to find some way to sneak into the Vanity Fair party on Oscar Night.
Larry McCartyLose weight and exercise more ... well ... probably just lose weight ... well really, I will most likely just try to eat less ... actually, to be honest ... I guess I'm not going to make a resolution.



The McCarty Metro
9323 Sussex
Detroit, MI 48228

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