The McCarty Metro

Still Under The Basement Steps 

Metro News
Read all about it. Another Metro exclusive concerning 2004 DMGC

Jerry's World
It wouldn't be a holy day if you didn't feel obligated

March Calendar
Find out who shares a March birthday

A Taste 'o Ireland
Recipes. jokes, and our family crest

In The News
McCartys appearing in other major news publications

March Quiz
Take this month's quiz and win prizes

Sound Off
Shoot us your comments or observations

Peanut & Jocko
The boys are at it again

Game Of The Month
Get prepared for the eve of the Dan McCarty Golf Classic

Metro Chat Room
Chat on-line with the family

Metro Subscription
Sign up to receive free Metro updates

Final Thought
An inspiring thought to carry you through the day

The McCarty Metro Chat Room is open 24 / 7 for its' visitors. Feel free to chat on-line with the family and friends who are also on the site. Metro subscribers will receive free updates and reminders for pre-scheduled group chat times. Sign up free now!

Here is a pre-list of March Group Chat Times.

Wednesday March 37pm ESTGeneral 
Saturday, March 2010pm ESTSt. Patty Rehash
Tuesday, March 2310pm ESTMetro Staff Mtg.

More Dates Coming...


St. Patrick's Day Recipe
Irish Stew
We've got our own recipe for Irish stew: Get some meat, some potatoes and a lot of Guinness Stout. Drink all of the stout. Forget about the stew.

Turn off "That 70's Show" and subscribe to the Metro!


America's Longest Living President

Ed Note: The Metro apologizes for leaving this out of the February edition. Happy Belated Birthday Gipper!!! Thank you for restoring our faith in freedom and democracy.

The two most important people in Ronald Reagan’s life were women. Nancy’s role, of course, is well known. Less appreciated was the influence of his mother, Nelle. Nelle instilled in her boy the ideals that shaped him. It was pious Nelle who tirelessly inculcated her son with a set of unshakable and unappreciated (by the public) religious values that sustained him throughout his life.

Nelle taught her son that God has a plan that always works for the best -- and he never doubted that. Reagan, remember, was the eternal optimist. And his optimism was a blessing for which he was grateful to God. He called it a “God-given optimism.” In his late 30s, he wrote an article that he concluded with a two-verse quote from a poem: “God’s in His Heaven, All’s right with the world.”

Reagan contemplated death many times -- how it might come and how to graciously accept it. He hated to fly. Every time he got in a plane he prayed. “Do you pray that the plane won’t crash?” his daughter Patti logically asked him. “No,” he answered. “I pray that whatever God’s will is, I’ll be able to accept it with grace, and have faith in His wisdom. We’re always in God’s hands. Sometimes it’s hard to accept that, so I pray that He’ll help me just to trust in His will.” He instructed his daughter: “[W]hen we die is God’s business”-as is how we die.

February Metro Staff

Kelly McCarty



Jerry McCarty
Kathlene McCarty
Kelly McCarty
Kristen McCarty
Larry McCarty
Mike McCarty
Steve McCarty



Gerry Bufalini

McCarty Metro Trivia

 Last Month's Question & Answer 

Q. In what popular game can you find King David; Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and Julius Caesar represented?
A. Poker (or any other card game that uses... THE FOUR KINGS) - Thank You To Jerry McCarty and Raiff for the correct answer.

 This Month's Question 

How many holes are there on a Chinese Checkers board?


Family & Friends Affiliate Sites

Anyone looking
for a flower girl?

West Coast ConnectionJer & Kathlene
McCarty WorldAsh McCarty
Bob & Carl WebsiteRobert Balch
B. U. Professors PageChuck Rzepka
Knights Of ColumbusKelly McCarty
Fraser High SchoolKelly McCarty
Mid-Tenn Mark VIILarry McCarty
MD Web SolutionsChris McCarty
Rambler BasketballChris McCarty
Jill's Home PageJill McCarty

 Add Your Link To Our F&F Affiliate Sites? 


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Famous McCarty Pick-Up Lines

Dad - Gee, you sing just like the Andrews Sisters!
Jer - Did I tell you I sing in a band?
Rick - You have the right to remain silent.
Larry - Can I show you something in a open toe sandal?
Kelly -  Wanna drive back to get my sunglasses off the side of the road?
DJ - My brother thinks you are cute. I'll watch your purse while you two dance.
Steve - I got a hat at home that goes w this cowboy shirt.
Dennis - معلّقة امرئ القيس
Michael - Can you help me Miss, I think I'm lost.

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Kelly McCarty