The McCarty Metro

Still Under The Basement Steps 

Metro News
Read all about it. More info on the 2004 DMGC

Jerry's World
Happy Birthday Dad

April Calendar
Find out who shares an April birthday

The Oscars
Jer's report on the 2004 Academy Awards

Detroiters vs. McCartys
Are McCartys actually Detroiters?

April Quiz
Take this month's quiz and win prizes

Great Sports Moments
Top sports achievements involving McCartys

Easter Games
How McCartys celebrate Easter

Caribbean Cruise
Finally got those cruise photos from the rubble in Iraq

News From Iraq
Latest from the middle east

Metro Chat Room
Chat on-line with the family

Metro Subscription
Sign up to receive free Metro updates

Final Thought
An inspiring thought to carry you through the day

The McCarty Metro Chat Room is open 24 / 7 for its' visitors. Feel free to chat on-line with the family and friends who are also on the site. Metro subscribers will receive free updates and reminders for pre-scheduled group chat times. Sign up free now!

Here is a pre-list of April Group Chat Times.

Sunday, April 47pm ESTGeneral 
Friday, April 910pm ESTFish Talk
Sunday, April 259pm ESTMetro Staff Mtg.

More Dates Coming...


Mom McCarty had a list of cures and medicines for anything that ailed us.   She raised 8 healthy kids, well except for the dead one, the one with MS, and the one with the missing kidney, and the 4 with bad knees, the 5 with bad backs, and the six with High Blood pressure.  So use these cures at your own risk.

1. Cut - Mercurochrome

2. Ear Ache - Lay head on paper towel and poor Hydrogen Peroxide in Ear (Repeat on Other Side)

3. Broken Finger (a.k.a. “Baseball Finger”) - Eat Popsicle and tape stick on finger

4. Ingrown Toe Nail - Pry up nail and wedge cotton ball underneath.  Repeat daily until nail falls off or you get totally grossed out.

5. Scrape - Mercurochrome

6. Mosquito Bite - Vinegar

Peanut & Jocko have taken a month off.

Click here for this month's Metro cartoon 1mb

The 2004
Academy Awards

The McCarty Metro sent reporter Jerry McCarty to the 2004 Academy Awards, which were held on February 29. Jer can be seen in the photo on the red carpet behind Nicole Kidman.

Which of the following remark did Nicole make seconds before this picture was shot?

  • "Jerry McCarty, you can't fool me in those sunglasses. Loved that episode of "The Norm Show."
  • "Jerry McCarty, you can't fool me in those sunglasses. Look, the restraining order says 300 feet, buster. Now, back off."
  • "Jerry McCarty, you can't fool me in those sunglasses. But how in the world did that McCarty Metro photographer get in here?"

April Metro Staff

Kelly McCarty



Mike McCarty
Jerry McCarty
Kathlene McCarty
Larry McCarty
Kelly McCarty



Gerry Bufalini
Jerry Klotz
Millard Pickney

McCarty Metro Trivia

 Last Month's Question & Answer 

Q. How many holes are there on a Chinese Checkers board?
A. 121

No one answered the question correctly. The jackpot doubles again this month.

 This Month's Question 

Happy Easter!
From The Staff At The McCarty Metro

If you add together all the numbers on a roulette wheel, what would the total be?


Sound Off

Hey,  I just looked at your answers to the trivia and noticed my answers were missing. I got them all right and I don't want to question the Metro's integrity, but what the heck are you trying to pull? - Jerry McCarty
ED: I resemble that remark

Am I doing this right? Maybe nobody is in the chat room. - Mike
ED: Mike. No one is ever in the chat room 

Metro Puzzle

We were born on the same day of the same year," said Betsy. "And we have the same mother and father," said Patsy. "But we're not twins," said Betsy. Can you explain?

Click Here

Family & Friends Affiliate Sites

Thought Of The Day

Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and that is where shitty ideas come from!!!!

West Coast ConnectionJer & Kathlene
Bob & Carl WebsiteRobert Balch
B. U. Professors PageChuck Rzepka
Knights Of ColumbusKelly McCarty
Fraser High SchoolKelly McCarty
Mid-Tenn Mark VIILarry McCarty
MD Web SolutionsChris McCarty
Rambler BasketballChris McCarty
Jill's Home PageJill McCarty
Grace Bible Church
Larry McCarty

 Add Your Link To Our F&F Affiliate Sites? 


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Beware Of These Computer Viruses

  • Titanic Virus: Makes your computer go down.

  • Disney Virus: Everything in the computer goes Goofy.

  • Tyson Virus: Quits after one byte.

  • Dr. Kevorkian Virus: Searches your hard drive for old files and deletes them.

  • Oprah Winfrey Virus: Your 200MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80MB, 
    and then slowly expands to 300MB.

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Help Save Lives!


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Created & Maintained By
Kelly McCarty