
The McCarty Metro
Still Under The Basement Steps




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Check Out These Fine Pages Too

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Bob & Carl

Free Art Lesson In This Issue

Get a free art lesson from Mike as he guides you through the always difficult drawing of Popeye. Also, become more like Mike and win big in our Metro contest. (Please note that The McCarty Metro is not responsible for any accident related injuries to any party who wants to become more like Mike)

Meeting Updates

The Banana Splits will have an official meeting next Tuesday.  Bring your "official" Fleagle pooper scooper.

The September Sour Grapes meeting that was scheduled has been cancelled, due to the club reorganizing. The Tart Wine Tasters will start their meetings in October.

Vacation Photos

Guess who took a vacation?  Check out our photos in this issue

Joke Of The Day...

Q. What do you get when you cross Kelly McCarty with his big brother Mike.

A. A cockroach with a lost cause. 

Thanks To Our Contributors This Issue

Mike McCarty, Jerry McCarty, Larry McCarty, Bob Balch, Millard Pickney, and Kelly McCarty

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